Image of Platonic Figure, a statue located on the East Bank between Keller Hall and Mechanical Engineering building.

UNITE Distributed Learning

Enroll in University of Minnesota Courses through UNITE

Graduate Students, Undergraduate Students, Guests of the University of Minnesota ... UNITE Distributed Learning "piggybacks" on University of Minnesota courses in the College of Science and Engineering (CSE) on the Twin Cities' East Bank campus. 

For each UNITE course offering, there is an on-campus section of that course taught in one of the UNITE-enhanced classrooms.  UNITE provides live streaming video from that on-campus class session as well as archived video streams and downloadable video and audio podcasts to students enrolled through UNITE in that course.

Many CSE graduate students in a coursework-only program complete all courses through UNITE. Or combine your on-campus courses with courses taken through UNITE toward your degree. 

UNITE enrollment is limited to students who are located in the United States during the semester for which they are registering. Short-term travel during the semester will require instructor and UNITE approval.

Same course, same instructor, same schedule, same credits as the on-campus section.

UNITE's Spring 2025 schedule
STAT 5401 added 1/23/25!  ME 8111 added 12/9/24!  

UNITE is HIRING Students!



University of Minnesota Students - each Fall and Spring semester, UNITE records/streams more than 60 courses from a UNITE-enhanced classroom.  Each of those classes will require a student operator. 

If you are interested in working for UNITE, in your web browser, log in to Gmail with your University of Minnesota email, and complete the forms at the following link: (this link opens in a new window)

We will continue hiring through the Fall as shifts may become available at that time. 

We will reach out to you if the shifts you’ve selected still need coverage.

Please make sure that the availability you provide to us is up to date as soon as possible. If your availability changes at any time, please go to the UNITE Operator Interface and make those changes there: (this link opens in a new window)

If you have any questions, they need to be submitted by sending an email to [email protected] (this link opens in a new window).