HELP! No Access to UNITE Media



The problem you are having is due to registration after the semester has started.

It may take up to two hours after UNITE officially enrolls you into the UNITE or BCBI section in PeopleSoft (the University of Minnesota's enrollment system controlling the central enrollment database) for the registration to to show up in the central enrollment database.  

Submitting a UNITE Registration Form does not automatically enroll - it is the first step in the process.  

Upon receiving the UNITE Registration Form, UNITE staff will begin the process and contact students via email to notify you of your enrollment into a UNITE section and instructions or if further information is needed to complete your registration.  

UNITE will always use your University of Minnesota email account for correspondence.  For those without a University of Minnesota email address, getting one is part of the process and we will work with you through the email address you submit on the UNITE Registration Form until a University of Minnesota email account is created for you. 

Still seeking a solution?  

Check the UNITE System Requirements for accessing UNITE Media link in the "More About Troubleshooting Media" box on this page.

If you cannot find an answer, submit a UNITE Trouble Report for the quickest and most accurate technical assistance with UNITE media.