UNITE Streaming Video Access for Students Enrolled in On-Campus Sections

UNITE Distributed Learning makes course videos available to students enrolled in a UNITE section via streaming video (live and asynchronous, available same day). 

Beginning Fall 2024, instructors will control access for the students enrolled in the on-campus sections.

For Courses with UNITE-Enrolled Students

(Fall, Spring and Summer Semesters):
UNITE makes streaming video archives of class lectures available to students who are enrolled in the on-campus sections of courses in which UNITE is also enrolling students, with varying degrees of access based on semester.

Note that there are occasions when the instructor has opted out of this for those enrolled in the on-campus section(s) of the course. 

For Courses without UNITE-Enrolled Students

(Fall and Spring Semesters only; Does not occur in Summer Semesters):
Additionally, the Office of the Dean for the College of Science and Engineering (CSE) sponsors the recording and streaming of CSE courses scheduled in UNITE-enhanced classrooms that are not offered for registration through UNITE. Note that there are occasions when the instructor has opted out of this service. Also note that this is not done for Summer Semester.

In both cases, there is no additional charge to the students enrolled in the on-campus sections of these courses.

Availability of Streaming Videos to Students Enrolled in On-Campus Sections of a Course that UNITE is Recording/Streaming

For Fall and Spring Semesters:

  • The University of Minnesota holds the copyright to this media - your access is strictly limited to your enrollment in this course.  Accessing the media through either the UNITE Media Portal or within the Canvas course site obligates the student to this UNITE media agreement (also posted in both the UNITE Media Portal when you first access UNITE media there).  Violation of the agreement will result in immediate loss of access to ALL UNITE media, with escalation of incident to the CSE Dean’s Office and the University Office of General Counsel;
  • Instructors may opt out of this service for those enrolled in on-campus section(s);
  • Access is on a ten-day delay by default.  Faculty have the option to modify this delay - course-by-course - for the on-campus section as a group.
  • Requests for modified access should be directed to the course instructor.
  • Access to all videos ends on the last day of finals - no exceptions (including for Incompletes assigned by instructors);

Accommodation Services 

UNITE partners with the University of Minnesota's Disability Resource Center (DRC) in implementing accommodations for students enrolled in on-campus sections of courses when approved by DRC access consultants. If you are working with the DRC, please have your access consultant contact us on your behalf.

Learn more about the Disability Resource Center (this link opens in a new window).

Accessing Streaming Videos 

To access these files, first run through the system requirements.

You may then test your computer and connection speed with one of UNITE's demonstration streaming videos.

If you have technical questions or issues, DO NOT ASK YOUR INSTRUCTOR OR TAs FOR ASSISTANCE. Instead, please refer to UNITE's Troubleshooting FAQs.

Once that is complete, access the files for your class through the "UNITE Videos" tab of your course in Canvas (this link opens in a new window), or alternatively at the UNITE Media Portal (this link opens in a new window). Your University Internet ID and password are required to log in.

Again, if you have technical questions or issues, please first refer to UNITE's Troubleshooting FAQs.

Please direct other questions or comments to [email protected] (this link opens in a new window).