UNITE Video Downloads and RSS Feeds

Downloadable video files are available ONLY to students enrolled in UNITE sections.

UNITE media assets are the intellectual property of the course instructor. The University of Minnesota holds the copyright to the recordings - all downloaded podcasts must be deleted at the end of each semester in accordance with UNITE Student Policies

UNITE-enrolled students have the option to request download video files of each lecture. Once available, these downloads may be accessed either by logging into the UNITE Media Portal to download files individually as needed or by setting up an RSS feed to automatically download each file using a podcast aggregator program (such as iTunes).

Benefits of Downloadable Video Files:

  • Once fully downloaded, the files may be played back anytime, at full quality, even without an internet connection.

Video Download Demonstrations: 

(You may have to right-click and choose "Save Link As")


  • For lectures, the video files can be quite large (600 MB - 2.5 GB, depending on the length of the class), and they must download completely before playback is possible.
  • Students with slower internet connections are advised to subscribe to the RSS feed, so the files will automatically begin downloading as soon as they become available.
  • You MUST be a registered UNITE student to access video downloads and RSS feeds.

RSS Feeds Demonstration

For our demonstration RSS feed, drag the following link into iTunes to subscribe and receive our demo video podcasts, or right-click and copy the link address into your preferred podcast aggregator:

UNITE Video Download RSS Feed

For each course, UNITE-enrolled students should see a similar icon and link as above. Simply drag or copy the link into iTunes (or another podcast aggregator) to subscribe. The most recently available video (in this case, one of our demonstration videos) should begin downloading automatically.