HELP! UNITE Streaming Video Buffers


This is a network connectivity issue between our servers and you.  Try these steps:

1. Test your speed
A sustainable high-speed Internet connection (768 Kbps minimum download speed) is required to view the streaming video. Slower speeds or inconsistent connections (i.e. wireless) may encounter problems with streaming.

Please refer to to test your general connection speed. 

2. Connect to a Virtual Private Network (VPN)
If your connection speed is sufficient but you still experience frequent stopping and buffering, note that some Internet Service Providers (like Comcast) may "throttle" your connection speed only for streaming video.

To circumvent this throttling, you can first connect to a Virtual Private Network (VPN) before streaming the video. If you do not already have a VPN connection, you can create one for free following from the University of Minnesota Office of Technology Virtual Private Network page.

The native client configuration is often sufficient, and requires no additional downloads or installations. 

3. UNITE-enrolled students can download
Off-campus UNITE-registered students who experience problems with streaming are advised to take advantage of our downloadable podcasts. Once they are fully downloaded to your computer, you can view them anytime, at full quality, without the need for an internet connection.

4. Other potential solutions:

  • Reload the web page to force a reconnection;
  • Use a wired network connection rather than a wireless network;

Still seeking a solution?  

Check the UNITE System Requirements for accessing UNITE Media link in the "More About Troubleshooting Media" box on this page.

If you cannot find an answer, submit a UNITE Trouble Report for the quickest and most accurate technical assistance with UNITE media.