Request a Course through UNITE

We will work with the department on adding it to our offering of courses.

We already offer many College of Science and Engineering courses through UNITE during the Fall and Spring semesters, but will work with CSE departments on requested courses.

As our mission is graduate engineering courses from the College of Science and Engineering for students working toward a graduate degree in Biomedical Engineering (BMEN), Computer Science and Engineering (CSCI) and Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE), check the UNITE Course Offerings before requesting a course - it may already be offered through UNITE.

If a course is requested, first we will see if we have an available room and staff to facilitate the course. Then, we contact the instructor and department to approve that the course be offered through UNITE.

Keeping with our mission, graduate courses in BMEN, CSCI and ECE and those which are electives toward graduate degrees from those programs will always get priority over undergraduate courses.

Deadline for Spring semester requests: December 1st
Deadline for Fall semester requests: August 1st

Use our online Course Request Form. (Note: this is NOT used to register for a course)