FEI Tecnai G2 F30 Field Emission Gun Transmission Electron Microscope
1-212 Nils Hasselmo Hall
This is a field-emission gun Transmission Electron Microscope operable up to 300kV. The high-brightness, high coherency gun allow large electron probe currents to be focused onto nanometer sized areas of the specimen. High tilt capabilities (up to 70°) allow crystallography studies. It is equipped with an Electron Energy-Loss Gatan Imaging Filter to study low-Z elements. Images can be recorded using two different CCD cameras or film in TEM.
- Field Emission Gun
- Twin-pole piece with point to point resolution of 0.24nm; 0.15 nm resolution can be achieved by computer processing
- Magnifications up to 800,000X (More than 1 million times in STEM mode)
- Fully computer controlled high stability CompuStage
- Up to 70° eucentric tilt
- Operation at accelerating voltages from 50kV to 300kV
- 4k x 4k Ultrascan CCD camera
- Low-noise plate camera
- Bright Field (BF) and Dark Field (DF) STEM imaging
- High Angle Annular Dark Field (HAADF) detector for Z-Contrast imaging
- Gatan imaging filter with 2k x 2k CCD for Electron Energy Loss Spectrometry (EELS) and Energy Filtered imaging (EFTEM)
- Xplore 3D and Amira software for TEM Tomography (For 3D reconstruction of TEM images)
- Field Emission Gun
- Twin-pole piece with point to point resolution of 0.24nm; 0.15 nm resolution can be achieved by computer processing
- Magnifications up to 800,000X (More than 1 million times in STEM mode)
- Fully computer controlled high stability CompuStage
- Up to 70° eucentric tilt
- Operation at accelerating voltages from 50kV to 300kV
- 4k x 4k Ultrascan CCD camera
- Low-noise plate camera
- Bright Field (BF) and Dark Field (DF) STEM imaging
- High Angle Annular Dark Field (HAADF) detector for Z-Contrast imaging
- Gatan imaging filter with 2k x 2k CCD for Electron Energy Loss Spectrometry (EELS) and Energy Filtered imaging (EFTEM)
- Xplore 3D and Amira software for TEM Tomography (For 3D reconstruction of TEM images)
- Single-tilt holder
- Double-tilt holder
- Cryo-holder
- Tomography holder