JEOL 6500 Field Emission Gun
Location: 74 Shepherd Labs
Field-emission gun Scanning electron microscope (FEG-SEM) equipped with an energy dispersive spectrometer (EDS). It operates at 0.5 to 30 kV with an ultimate resolution of 1.5 nm, and a magnification range of 10x to 400,000x. Available image modes include secondary and backscattered electron images, X-Ray mapping, electron backscatter diffraction and cathodoluminescence.
- Examination of fracture surfaces.
- Phase identification from geological samples.
- Examination and quantification of nano-scratch tests.
- Stereo-imaging of surfaces.
- Microstructure of surfactant systems.
- Evaluation of lithographic specimens.
- Measurement of the width of layers of magnetic read devices.
- Characterization of grain boundaries of ceramics.
- High resolution secondary electron imaging; backscatter electron imaging; energy dispersive spectroscopy; electron backscatter diffraction; and cathodoluminescence
- Thermally-assisted field-emission gun
- Accelerating voltage from 0.5 to 30 kV
- Lateral resolution of 1.5 nm
- Magnification ranges from 10 X to 400,000X
- Sample size: 50 x 125 x 125 mm
- Backscattered imaging at TV rates and low voltage using the Centaurus detector
- Chemical analysis of bulk samples with elements as low as sodium available using a Thermo-Noran Vantage system
- Cathodoluminescence analysis with a Gatan (Oxford) MonoCL 2 system
- Crystallographic analysis with an EBSD system from HKL allowing pattern indexing and texture mapping with Channel 5 software
- JEOL 6500 with a variety of sample holders.
- Backscattered imaging at TV rates and low voltage using the Centaurus detector.
- Chemical analysis of bulk samples with elements as low as sodium available using a Thermo-Noran Vantage system.
- Cathodoluminescence analysis with a Gatan (Oxford) MonoCL 2 system.
- Crystallographic analysis with a EBSD system from HKL allowing pattern indexing and texture mapping with Channel 5 software.
- Back scatter detector
- EDS system
- Specimen current detector
- Electron Backscatter patterns
- Cathodoluminescence
- Chamberscope for optical viewing specimen in the microscope.
- Sample size: 50 x 125 x 125 mm
- Lateral resolution: 1.5 nm
- Lateral range: 50 mm x 50 mm