Outreach and Education
Recommended grade levels: middle school through undergrad
Laboratory and cleanroom tours
Learn how electronic devices are made, and why people wear funny-looking suits in the cleanroom. See demonstrations on electronics and lithography. For more information, contact Dr. Jim Marti, Outreach Coordinator
Classes on nanotechnology topics
Special classes on nanotechnology are offered during the summer months. Contact the University College of Science and Engineering Outreach Office for details.
Nanoscience lab activities for the classroom
The Nano Center, along with similar centers around the country, has developed classroom activities for science classes that introduce students to the tools and concepts of nanotechnology. These are teacher-designed and tested lab activities that can be used in middle- and high school classes in biology, chemistry, physical science, and technology. Each activity includes a complete written procedure, lists of equipment and supplies and where to get them, student guides, and worksheets.
Downloadable nanoscience education activities are available at
1) Nano-Link, the regional center for nanoscience education, and
2) The Education Portal of the National Nanotechnology Infrastructure Network (NNIN).