Cleanroom Researcher

Minnesota Nano Center

The Minnesota Nano Center, or MNC, is a state-of-the-art facility for interdisciplinary research in nanoscience and applied nanotechnology.

The Center offers a comprehensive set of tools to help researchers develop new micro- and nanoscale devices, such as integrated circuits, advanced sensors, microelectromechanical systems (MEMS), and microfluidic systems. The MNC is also equipped to support nanotechnology research that spans many science and engineering fields, allowing advances in areas as diverse as cell biology, high performance materials, and biomedical device engineering.

Have a Project?

The tools and labs of the Nano Center are open for use by all trained and qualified users. We also do custom projects in the areas of microdevices, nanoparticles, and biomedical applications of nanotechnology.

Contact us and find out how we can help you realize your research goals or turn your ideas into new products.

Nano Center News

Summer Outreach at the Nano Center!


The Nano Center kicked off its summer science outreach programs with the “Intro to Nanotechnology” class on July 16. The Intro to Nano class is a hands-on exploration of all things nanotech, and is presented as part of the University’s College of Science and Engineering Eureka! program. Eureka is a five-year program for girls focused on science, technology, engineering, and mathematics, and is offered in partnership with Girls Inc. at the YWCA of Minneapolis.

Prof. Steven Koester Named Chief Semiconductor Officer


The Minnesota Nano Center is proud to announce that its director, Prof Steven Koester, has been named the University’s first Chief Semiconductor Officer. Koester’s responsibilities will include coordinating University research and education initiatives and investments related to microelectronics, as well as representing the University within larger efforts to advance Minnesota’s microelectronics industry with local companies, public agencies, and policymakers. 

“This is a great time for semiconductor manufacturing in Minnesota and the United States,” said Koester, who is the Russell J. Penrose Professor in Nanotechnology at the University. “Not only are we growing manufacturing capacity for silicon chips and other key components, but, with help from the CHIPS and Science Act, we’re seeing a real commitment from local companies, academic institutions, and government officials to work together to meet the needs of this industry and to provide high-paying jobs to more people.”  Read the full story in this newsletter article. 

Join MNC Staff at the Coffee Hour!

The Nano Center hosts a coffee hour for current and potential users on the first Tuesday of each month. These informal drop-in sessions offer MNC users the chance to meet with the staff of the Nano Center and discuss their projects or get pointers on using our nanofabrication tools. The Coffee Hour is held 2-3 PM in room PAN 130.  See you there!

TLI, Minnesota Nano Center Announce $100,000 Grant for Semiconductor Program Development

The University of Minnesota’s Technological Leadership Institute and the Minnesota Nano Center recently announced a new $100,000 grant for the Minnesota Semiconductor Manufacturing Consortium (MNCEO). The additional funding comes from partnerships with the Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic Development (DEED), consortium members, and the University of Minnesota’s Office of Distributed Learning. The grant will facilitate the creation of seven additional learning modules focusing on microdevice fabrication. Topics covered will include microelectromechanical systems, finite element analysis, electroplating, and trends in emerging devices. 


Take the Nano Center Video Tour!

Acknowledgment of NSF and NNCI

Published papers must acknowledge all sources of financial support. Since MNC receives funds from the National Science Foundation through the NNCI network, MNC users must acknowledge that support on all publications and presentations. Our funding is jeopardized unless everyone complies, so please add the following to your acknowledgement sections:

“Portions of this work were conducted in the Minnesota Nano Center, which is supported by the National Science Foundation through the National Nanotechnology Coordinated Infrastructure (NNCI) under Award Number ECCS-2025124."

In circumstances where there is insufficient space for this entire acknowledgement, please be sure to mention "Award Number ECCS-2025124" at a minimum.