
Making photomasks
Making a photomasks with your device design is usually the first step in fabricating devices using photolithography. The Nano Center offers mask making services with our Heidelberg DWL200 laser writer system. The minimum feature size is 1.0µm for lines or spaces. If you would like us to make a mask, please submit your design file here, Be sure to consult the design rules on that page. Note that you can also get training on the laserwriter tool to make your own masks. Contact MNC staff for details.
Particle analysis
The Nano Center can characterize a wide range of particle samples for size distribution, shape analysis, and electrostatic surface charge (zeta potential). We have the tools to analyze nanoparticles as small as 3 nm and powders as large as 2 mm in diameter. Samples can be dry or suspended in liquids, and we can accommodate oxygen- and water-sensitive materials. For more information, contact the Nanobio Lab manager at [email protected]
Device fabrication/project management
Nano Center staff can complete any stage of your fabrication project if you cannot or choose not to do it yourself. This includes all steps in the lithographic workflow, from thin film deposition to patterning to etching to characterization. For more information, contact the cleanroom manager at [email protected].