UNITE Summer 2021 Course Offerings

UNITE Distributed Learning provides access to live streaming video of class sessions plus same-day access to streaming video archives and downloadable video and audio files of course meetings to the students who enroll through UNITE in a UNITE section of the course.

Semester Schedule

The UNITE sections of a course follow the same semester schedule as the on-campus section of the course. This includes exams (which are synchronous events - see below) and homework deadlines as well as University deadlines for adding courses, cancelling courses, refunds, etc.

Exams and Homework

Exams are Synchronous

Students enrolled through UNITE are REQUIRED to take exams on the same day/same time as the students enrolled in the on-campus sections of the course. If you need to make other arrangements you will need to contact the instructor directly - work out these arrangements with the instructor before the 100% refund period ends.

Exams Must be Proctored by a Person (live proctoring)

Students are responsible for finding and submitting proctor information to UNITE to evaluate and approve. UNITE will contact all students enrolled through UNITE to initiate this process shortly as the semester begins.

Final Exams: Final exam dates are posted in the official University of Minnesota Class Schedule.UNITE will stream video on Saturdays. If you are enrolled in a UNITE section with an exam on a Saturday, you will need to have a proctor administer the exam. If you need to make other arrangements you will need to contact the instructor directly to seek approval.

Homework Submission and Return

Increasingly, faculty and TAs are using Canvas course sites for submission and return of homework.

For those faculty and TAs who do not, homework may be submitted to UNITE via email or fax. Our office will record submissions and deliver to instructors and/or TAs for grading. Graded materials will be returned to your University email account when we receive it.

For more information, refer to the "Step Two: Know How UNITE Works" of UNITE Steps to Success.

The courses offered are subject to change. For the summer semester, UNITE will stop recording/streaming a course if there are no students enrolled in that course through UNITE.

Course descriptions taken from the University of Minnesota's Schedule Builder. Courses topics may be revised per instructor. Contact instructor for more detailed and up-to-date information.

Grad 0999 – 51566 Call Number – UNITE students must register online themselves for this status. Graduate students registering for this status must register before the semester begins or they will be charged the normal late registration fees.

Undergraduate students taking classes on campus may enroll in UNITE courses with instructors' permission. Learn more about Undergraduate Credit Enrollment though UNITE.

Please note Summer Semester Dates to Remember.

NOTE FOR ON-CAMPUS STUDENTS: In the Summer Semester, access to the UNITE streaming videos is extremely limited - only available for courses with UNITE enrollments AND only for the week prior to the Final Exam. For more information, see UNITE Streaming Video Access for On-Campus Students.

(updated May 26th, 2021) 

See online tools to search all credit offerings:

Class Schedules by Department (Aerospace Engineering site)
ClassInfo (Humphrey School of Public Affairs site)
(Note: These lists ALL offerings - on-campus, including UNITE offerings) 

NOTE: Any UNITE sections for Summer 2021 without enrollments one week prior to start of semester will be cancelled.

EE 4301 - Digital Design With Programmable Logic (4.0 cr) - UNITE is no longer offering this course. 
This will be an ECE Department Zoom-based course - register through OneStop as you do for on-campus (non-UNITE) course sections.  Contact ECE Department for questions. (5/26/2021)
Bob Mahmoodi
June 07, 2021 – July 30, 2021
2301, [1301 or CSCI 1113 or CSCI 1901]
Introduction to system design/simulation. Design using Verilog code/synthesis. Emulation using Verilog code.

EE 4541 - Digital Signal Processing (3.0 cr.) - Cancelled by department (May 25th)
Bob Mahmoodi
June 07, 2021 – July 30, 2021
UNITE streams live video of on-campus sections on TWTh 8:00 a.m. - 9:55 a.m.
Archived videos typically available to UNITE-enrolled students within an hour 
[3015, 3025] or instr consent
Review of linear discrete time systems and sampled/digital signals. Fourier analysis, discrete/fast Fourier transforms. Interpolation/decimation. Design of analog, infinite-impulse response, and finite impulse response filters. Quantization effects. 

IE 3521 - Statistics, Quality and Reliability (4.0 cr.)
William Cooper
June 07, 2021 – July 30, 2021
UNITE streams live video of on-campus sections on MW 10:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.
Archived videos typically available to UNITE-enrolled students within an hour 
MATH 1372 or equiv; 
Random variables/probability distributions, statistical sampling/measurement, statistical inferencing, confidence intervals, hypothesis testing, single/multivariate regression, design of experiments, statistical quality control, quality management, reliability, maintainability.