Service Fees


Lake Shore VSM (room-temp)$89.39 
Lake Shore VSM (low-temp: 100-300 K)$190.12 
Lake Shore VSM (high-temp: 300-1000 K)$189.44 
MicroMag 3900 VSM (room-temp)$82.16 
MicroMag 3900 VSM (high-temp: 300-1000 K)$176.99 

Magnetic Properties Measurement System (MPMS)


MPMS-3 (low-temp: 5-400 K)$208.90
MPMS-XL (low-temp: 5-400 K)$208.90 

Backfield Curves

Lake Shore VSM (room-temp)$98.12 
Lake Shore VSM (low-temp: 100-300 K)$204.52 
Lake Shore VSM (high-temp: 300-1000 K)$203.49 
MicroMag 3900 VSM (room-temp)$83.65 
MicroMag 3900 VSM (high-temp: 300-1000 K)$184.82 

First Order Reveral Curves (FORCs)

Lake Shore VSM (room-temp)$124.31 
Lake Shore VSM (low-temp: 100-300 K)$247.71 
Lake Shore VSM (high-temp: 300-1000 K)$245.65 
MicroMag 3900 VSM (room-temp)$88.13 
MicroMag 3900 VSM (high-temp: 300-1000 K)$208.31 

Thermomagnetic Runs (Ms-T)

Lake Shore VSM (high-temp: 300-1000 K)$305.29 
MicroMag 3900 VSM (high-temp: 300-1000 K)$239.63 

Susceptibility Measurements

Single measurement at room-temp 
AGICO KLY-2$41.13 
AGICO MFK-1A$41.13 
Magnon (variable Freq/Field at room-temp)$41.13 
Anisotropy of Magnetic Susceptibility (AMS)
AGICO KLY-2$82.66 
AGICO MFK-1A (automated)$41.33 
Susceptibility Temperature Cycle (RT-700C-RT)
AGICO KLY-2$116.18 
AGICO MFK-1A$103.58 

Paleomagnetic Treatments and Measurements

2G SQUID u-channel magnetometer 
AF demag sequence$95.66 
Single NRM, ARM or IRM treatment and measurement$84.41 
Single thermal demagnetization treatment and measurement$94.73 

Magnetic Microscopy

MFM (Asylum) (room-temp) $1,127.30 
MFM (Asylum) (high-temp) $1,320.50 
QDM $826.06 

Mossbauer Spectrometers

SeeCo (room-temp)$328.74 
SeeCo Closed Cycle Refrigerator (low-temp to 20 K)$479.04 

Sample Preparation

Drilling/sawing oriented specimens (per specimen/per 10 mins)$26.94 

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