Jeff Hong is Professor in Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering at the University of Minnesota. Prior to joining the University, he held academic positions at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (2004-2014), City University of Hong Kong (2014-2018) and Fudan University (2018-2024). His research interests include stochastic simulation, stochastic optimization, statistical machine learning, and financial risk management. Prof. Hong is currently an associate editor of Management Science and ACM Transactions on Modeling and Computer Simulation. He was the Simulation Area Editor of Operations Research (2018-2023) and President of INFORMS Simulation Society (2020-2022).
Ph.D. (2004), Industrial Engineering and Management Sciences, Northwestern University
M.S. (2001), Applied Mathematics, University of Cincinnati
B.S. (1999), Automotive Engineering, Tsinghua University
Scientific & Professional Societies