PRF Approval Chain

For Industrial and Systems Engineering:

x500 ID Name Role
PI's x500 PI Name Principal Investigator
hbystrom Bystrom, Hongna Dept/Administrator/Representative
saif Benjaafar, Saif Dept Head/Delegate
csegms CSEGMS Research Associate Dean/Delegate


SPA Deadline

SPA must receive your completed PRF and completed proposal 3 business days before it is due. For example, if the proposal is due Friday at 5 pm, it must be at SPA by Wednesday 9 am. That gives SPA 3 days (Wed, Thur, Fri) to process the proposal. To calculate the exact date your proposal must be to SPA, refer to this link to calculate your due date.

E-mail completed electronic applications to with the Proposal Routing Form (PRF) number, PI last name, and sponsoring agency.

Note: On-time proposal delivery is different for proposals requiring electronic submission as opposed to other proposals that must be mailed or submitted to the funding agency. The following identify the requirements for each type of submission:


Courier or mail submissions

To be considered on-time, proposals requiring mailing must be delivered to SPA by 24 hours before the proposal must be mailed. For example, if the proposal is due to the sponsor on Friday, SPA needs to receive it by 5 p.m. on the previous Wednesday, to ship it by Thursday. Local courier submissions are sent out by 10 a.m. to local sponsors meaning that the proposal is due at SPA by 10 a.m. the day before.

Note that proposals being delivered outside the continental United States will take extra time. For example, Federal Express requires a minimum of two days to deliver proposals to Alaska, Hawaii, and Europe.

Your cooperation is appreciated in meeting the various requirements for submitting proposals to SPA. If you have any questions about the process, please see Hongna.