Events Listing

List of Upcoming Events

Quantum + Chips summer school

Registration required to attend the event

Join us at the 2024 summer school program of "Quantum + Chips" at the University of Minnesota Twin Cities. Led by Paul Palmberg Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering Tony Low, the 12 day program is designed for undergraduate students (from freshmen to seniors) to introduce them to key topics in quantum phenomena and their computing devices. 

The program this year runs from July 29 through August 9. 


List of Past Events

2024 CSE undergraduate commencement

Doors open to graduates and guests at noon
Ceremony begins at 1:00 PM

Ceremony will also be streamed live. Details on the ceremony and livestreaming

2024 arts, sciences, and engineering graduate student commencement

CLA and CSE master’s, doctoral, and postbaccalaureate certificate students who have registered to participate in the commencement ceremony are invited to attend the spring 2024 commencement. 

Ceremony details

Professor Niraj K Jha at ECE Spring 2024 Colloquium

Smart Healthcare

The Internet-of-Things (IoT) era promises hundreds of billions of devices or physical objects connected to the Internet. These objects include sensors, actuators, and processing elements that help us gather data, make intelligent decisions, and optimize processes. IoT is expected to have a potential economic impact of more than $10 trillion per year by 2025, with $2 trillion (its largest fraction) coming from smart healthcare applications. These applications will be enabled by various technologies, e.g., (i) neural network-based disease detection using wearable medical sensors present in smartwatches and smartphones that will communicate with a health server to enable a physician to keep track of an individual’s health and (ii) personalized medical decision-making. However, many challenges remain in making this vision a reality. In this talk, we will explore how machine learning models employed at different layers of the healthcare hierarchy can begin to realize the above vision.

ECE spring 2023 senior design show, Internet of Things show, CSE 1012 show

  • EE1301 Internet of Things Show for students completing the Intro to Computing Systems course
    RecWell 2nd floor; 2:30 PM - 4:30 PM
  • ECE Senior Design Show
    RecWell 4th floor; 2:30 PM - 4:30 PM
    ECE senior design show and projects by ECE honors students
  • CSE 1012 - Project-based inquiry
    RecWell 2nd and 4th floor floors; 5:00 PM - 6:30 PM
    Projects by CSE freshman



Professor Kirsten Strandjord at ECE Spring 2024 Colloquium

Navigation in Challenged Environments

The lecture will present an overview of Professor Strandjord’s area of research in Global Positioning System (GPS) and Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) and Signal of Opportunity (SOP) technology and applications for positioning, navigation and timing (PNT). One of the primary lecture topics will highlight the challenges for positioning in urban environments and the algorithms and techniques studied to improve the use of these signals in this environment. Similarly, another topic of interest related to urban navigation is research that investigates the use of long-term evolution (LTE) signals, typically used for communication purposes, as signals of opportunity for navigation. Another GNSS-challenged environment will be presented related to navigating regions of space beyond the altitudes of GNSS constellation orbits and into cis-lunar space.

IEEE UMN Student Chapter - Networking & Resumes with Hewlett Packard

Hewlett Packard focuses on ASIC design, data infrastructure, and IT. We will have a presentation from HP representatives and a resume review session. 

Remember to RSVP! 

Professor Cheng Gong at ECE Spring 2024 Colloquium

Two-dimensional quantum materials: from fundamental electron behaviors to disruptive sensor technologies

Two-dimensional (2D) quantum materials are a unique class of solid-state platforms, with all constituent atoms seated in a flatland and exposed to external influences (e.g., adsorbed molecules, mechanical strain and electromagnetic radiation). Probing the effects of influencing factors in 2D materials can lead to the innovative development of ultrasensitive sensors. Meanwhile, engineering 2D materials by external stimuli can tailor 2D materials towards previously inaccessible properties, thereby fundamentally reshaping the present landscape of quantum materials. In this talk, I will introduce our recent progress in the fundamental understanding and rational control of 2D magnets, 2D ferroelectrics, and 2D multiferroics. Furthermore, I will briefly discuss how we leverage the “wonder materials” to develop disruptive sensor technologies in both civil and defense domains, including safeguarding food security, aircraft positioning, and early detection of diseases. 

Professor Francois Rivet at ECE Spring 2024 Colloquium

Let's connect intelligences

Who remembers a world without cell phones and the Internet? Radio Frequency Integrated Circuits (RFIC) have enabled democratizing communications with ever-greater data exchanges. We invent the technology and systems that allow us to increase the communication potential from one generation to the next tenfold: goodbye 4G, we are making 5G with 6G in our sights and beyond. What more can we connect and how? Get ready for the revolution where human and artificial intelligences will communicate in tomorrow's networks with integrated circuits we will invent now.

Professor Mohammad Ali Maddah-Ali at ECE Spring 2024 Colloquium

Blockchains, decentralized learning, and game of coding

The decentralization movement, which emerged in 2008 with the success of Bitcoin, aims to revolutionize digital platforms by making them transparent and open to the public for coordination, contribution, and verification. This movement is currently reshaping the AI landscape, with a focus on designing decentralized machine learning (DeML) platforms. However, blockchains, as decentralized trust engines, face limitations in computational power, which hinder this transformation.

In this talk, we will first review blockchain consensus, its potential to enable distributed computing platforms, and its inherent limitations. We will then discuss why existing solutions based on verifiable computation outsourcing are ineffective for massive and approximate ML computations. As an alternative, we will introduce the game of coding, which leverages the power of redundant (coded) computing to effectively detect and correct errors in outsourced tasks. The game of coding utilizes the inherent rationality of potential adversaries to expand the applicability of coding theory in a trust-minimized setting, where external nodes are overwhelmingly dishonest.

Professor Di Wu at ECE Spring 2024 Colloquium

Salvage hardware efficiency via unary computing in the deep learning era

In the last decade, deep learning has played an indispensable role in the human world. The resource-intensive nature of deep neural networks, especially their core operation, general matrix multiplication (GEMM), has prompted extensive optimization efforts on conventional hardware, aiming to democratize the transformative capabilities of deep learning technology. However, conventional hardware with binary computing does not offer optimal hardware efficiency. To yield unprecedented levels of hardware efficiency and enable new applications, my research leverages unconventional computing paradigms to design next-generation computer architecture, including unary, neuromorphic, approximate computing, and beyond. In this talk, I will focus on how unary computing utilizes extremely simple hardware to manipulate unary bitstreams, and how unary computing contributes to improved hardware efficiency for both brain-computer interfaces in edge devices and general deep learning in data centers.