Graduate courses by focus area

The following folders contain courses arranged by focus areas, and provides you with an overview of courses offered by the department. If you are a prospective student interested in the graduate degrees offered by ECE, you will get an understanding of the overall breadth of courses and areas we cover in the department. If you are a current student in the department, you can use the folder to look for classes that will help you specialize in a specific area. Use the folder to think of what your areas of interest might be, and what courses you might be interested in taking. Use the ECE Graduate Handbook to plan the details of your program such as major field coursework requirement and minor coursework requirement.

The University Catalogs page carries descriptions and other details for MSECE courses as well as Ph.D. courses

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Digital Design Electronic Design Automation Analog Design Computer Architecture Emerging Computing Paradigms
EE 5323: VLSI Design I EE 5301: VLSI Design Automation I EE 5333: Analog Integrated Circuit Design EE 4364: Computer Organization and Design EE 5340: Introduction to Quantum Computing and Physical Basics of Computing
EE 5324: VLSI Design II EE 5302: VLSI Design Automation II EE 8331: CMOS Data Converters: A/D and D/A EE 5351: Applied Parallel Programming EE 5393: Circuits, Computation, and Biology
EE 5327: VLSI Design Laboratory EE 8351: Design Automation Techniques for Variation-Aware Computing EE 8337: Analog Circuits for Wired/Wireless Communications EE 5355: Algorithmic Techniques for Scalable Many-core Computing
EE 5329: VLSI Digital Signal Processing Systems EE 5364: Advanced Computer Architecture
EE 8350: Advanced Verification Methodologies for VLSI Systems


RF/Microwave and Plasma Optics and photonics
EE 5601: Introduction to RF/Microwave Engineering EE 5621: Physical Optics
EE 5602: RF/Microwave Circuit Design EE 5622: Physical Optics Laboratory
EE 5607: Wireless Hardware System Design EE 5624: Optical Electronics
EE 5611: Plasma-Aided Manufacturing EE 5627: Optical Fiber Communication
EE 5613: RF/Microwave Circuit Design Laboratory EE 5628: Fiber Optics Laboratory
EE 5616: Antenna Theory and Design EE 5629: Optical System Design
EE 8337: Analog Circuits for Wired/Wireless Communications
EE 8601: Advanced Electromagnetic Theory
EE 8611: Plasma Physics
EE 8630: Advanced Topics in Electromagnetics
EE 8950: Microwave Circuits and Systems for Sensing and Communication


Communication theory and coding Signal processing and estimation techniques Machine learning and optimization techniques Transmission techniques
EE 5501: Digital Communication EE 4541: Digital Signal Processing EE 5239: Introduction to Nonlinear Optimization EE 5624: Optical Electronics
EE 5505: Wireless Communication EE 5251: Optimal Filtering and Estimation EE 5389: Learning from Data, Algorithms and Applications EE 5627: Optical Fiber Communication
EE 5581: Information Theory and Coding EE 5531: Probability and Stochastic Processes EE 5542: Incremental Learning EE 5649: Infrared Devices and Technology
EE 5583: Error Control Coding EE 5549: Digital Signal Processing Structures for VLSI EE 5551: Statistical Learning and Inference
EE 5585: Data Compression EE 5545: Digital Signal Processing Design EE 5561: Image Processing and Applications
EE 8510: Advanced Topics in Communications EE 8520: Advanced Topics in Signal Processing EE 8231: Optimization Theory
EE 8551: Multirate Signal Processing and Applications


EE 4231: Linear Control Systems: Designed by Input/Output Methods
EE 4233: State Space Control System Design
EE 4235: Classical Control Systems Lab
EE 4237: Modern Control Lab
EE 4541: Digital Signal Processing
EE4341: Embedded System Design
EE 5531: Probability and Stochastic Processes
EE 5231: Linear Systems and Optimal Control
EE 5235: Robust Control System Design
EE 5251: Optimal Filtering and Estimation
EE 5940: Optimal Control and Reinforcement Learning
EE 5239: Introduction to Nonlinear Optimization
EE 5271: Robot Vision
EE 8215: Nonlinear Systems
EE 8231: Optimization Theory
AEM 8423: Semidefinite-Programming and Control
AEM 8451: System Identification: Theory and Applications
AEM 8415 : Formal Methods for Dynamical Systems
AEM 8453 : Model Reduction and Approximation of Dynamical Systems
AEM 8495: Selected Topics in Dynamical Systems and Controls
EE 8744: Modeling, Analysis, and Control of Renewable Energy Systems
EE 8950: Special Topics (Introduction to Controls and Signals for Robotics, Network Distributed Systems, Noise in Physical and Biological Systems, Vector Space Optimization)


Power systems Power electronics Electric machines and drives Controls
EE 8744: Modeling, Analysis, and Control of Renewable Energy Systems EE 4741/4743: Power Electronics/Switched-mode Power Electronics Lab EE 4701: Electric Drives (Lab: 4703) EE 4231: Classical Control design
EE 5741: Advanced Power Electronics EE 5705: Electric Drives in Sustainable Energy Systems Lab (Lab 5707) EE 5231: Linear Systems
EE 8741: Power Electronics in Power Systems (Lab) EE 8215: Nonlinear Systems
EE 5235: Robust Control System Design


Semiconductors Micro and nanotechnology Magnetics and spintronics
EE 5163: Semiconductor Properties and Devices I EE 5141: Introduction to Microsystem Technology EE 5653: Physical Principles of Magnetic Materials
EE 5164: Semiconductor Properties and Devices II EE 5171: Microelectronic Fabrication EE 5655: Magnetic Recording
EE 8100: Advanced Topics in Electronics EE 5173: Basic Microelectronics Laboratory EE 5657: Physical Principles of Thin Film Technology
EE 8161: Physics of Semiconductors EE 5670: Spintronic Devices
EE 8163: Quantum Electronics EE 8620: Advanced Topics in Magnetics
EE 8660: Advanced Topics in Magnetics (Seminars)