Faculty Honor Roll

The Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering has a long tradition of excellence in teaching and research. Our success in our dual missions of education and discovery is the result of our faculty who have their eyes set on the future. Their spirit of innovation, dedication to teaching, and contributions to their fields of expertise through research and service have been recognized by leading technical and professional organizations in science and technology. Here we have a list of our faculty who have been honored as members and fellows of these organizations and institutions for their valuable contributions.
National Academy of Engineering

Ned Mohan †
2014 For contributions to the integration of electronics into power systems and to innovations in power engineering education

Bruce Wollenberg *
2005 For contributions to control centers for electric power grids and to power engineering education

Marshall Nathan *
1999 For contributions to semiconductor lasers

Otto Schmitt †
1979 For pioneering contributions in the development of bioengineering and biophysics and in the interdisciplinary science including vectorcardiography, bioelectricity, and electronic circuitry

Aldert van der Ziel †
1978 For contributions to the study of noise in electron devices and contributions to graduate education

William Shepherd †
1969 Noted for his development of velocity modulated tubes of the reflex type, the Shepherd tube was the principle device used in the receivers of microwave radars developed during World War II
IEEE Fellows

Nicola Elia
2019 For contributions to networked control systems

Chris Kim
2019 For contributions to on-chip circuit reliability evaluation and characterization

Murti Salapaka
2019 For application of control and systems technology in nanoscience

Steven Koester
2017 For contributions to group-IV electronic and photonic devices

Massoud Amin
2016 For leadership in smart grids and security of critical infrastructures

Jian-Ping Wang
2015 For contributions to magnetic material and spintronic devices for magnetic recording, information processing and biomedical applications

Emad Ebbini
2011 For contributions to ultrasound temperature imaging and dual-mode ultrasound

Stephen Campbell
2008 For contributions to deeply scaled CMOS devices

David Lilja
2006 For contributions to statistical methodologies for performance assessment of computing systems

Ramesh Harjani
2006 For contributions to the design and computer aided design (CAD) of analog and radio frequency circuits

Randall Victora
2004 For contributions to the exploration of magnetic and optical properties of materials and devices

Sachin Sapatnekar
2003 For contributions to the optimization of timing and layout in VLSI circuits

James Leger
2003 For the development and application of diffractive and micro-optical components

Georgios Giannakis
1997 For contributions to system identification and statistical signal processing

Keshab Parhi
1996 For contributions to the fields of VLSI digital signal processing architectures, design methodologies and tools

Ned Mohan
1996 For contributions to power electronics education and applications in power systems

Bruce Wollenberg
1989 For contributions to the application of computers in energy management systems

Mostafa Kaveh
1988 For contributions to diffraction tomography and to the signal processing aspects of that imaging technique

Mohammad Ali Maddah-Ali
2023 For contributions to information theory for interference management, coded caching and computing
ACM Fellows

Keshab Parhi
2020 For contributions to architectures and design tools for signal processing and networking accelerators

Sachin Sapatnekar
2016 For contributions to the enhancement of performance and reliability in integrated circuits
APS Fellows

Jian-Ping Wang
2020 For outstanding contributions to the synthesis and fundamental understanding of magnetic and spintronic materials, and to the fabrication of devices for applications in computing

Randall Victora
1997 For quantitatively accurate predictions of magnetic hysteresis, innovative calculations of the magnetic and electronic structure for heterogeneous systems, and the extension of these results to the development of practical materials
MRS Fellows

Bethanie Stadler
2018 For distinguished service to materials research and for pioneering work in magneto-photonics integration and magnetic nanowire devices that enable far-reaching applications of fundamental science to improve the quality of life
* professor emeritus † deceased