Prof. Jian-Ping Wang at SRC/SIA Webinar

Distinguished McKnight University Professor and Robert F. Hartmann Chair Jian-Ping Wang will be a panelist at a webinar titled, "Collaboration towards Decadal Plan Goals: Emerging Semiconductor Technologies." Scheduled to be held on September 29, the webinar will be hosted by the Semiconductor Industry Association (SIA) and the Semiconductor Research Corporation (SRC).
From the SRC event page: The SRC-NIST nCORE (nanoelectronic COmputing REsearch) program sets and aggressive research agenda for Emerging Semiconductor Technologies. Examples include advanced spintronic materials and devices, defect-engineered ferroelectrics for emerging memory devices, exploring new materials and physics concepts based on a first principles, revolutionary thermal management solutions, innovative metrology, etc. Research vectors include novel computing paradigms, fundamental material, device, and interconnect research, advanced manufacturing and nanofabrication, innovative metrology and characterization, and computational models.
The main goal of the webinar is to present the “success stories” from SRC’s nCORE program with NSF, NIST, and industry partners, and identify a compelling research agenda for the next wave of semiconductor manufacturing based on the Decadal Plan for Semiconductors.