
The School of Physics & Astronomy is housed primarily in two buildings on the Twin Cities East Bank Campus,
John T. Tate Hall (Tate) and the Physics and Nanotechnology building (PAN).

For other building locations, see the University of Minnesota Campus Maps website.

man wearing striped shirt
Education Program Specialist
B57 John T. Tate Hall
Jenny Allan
Communications Specialist
130-33 John T. Tate Hall
Valerie Bertsch
Academic Programs Director
130-01 John T. Tate Hall
Gregory Bocko
Event/Outreach Support
137 John T. Tate Hall
Alicia Canfield
FTPI Administrative Specialist, REU Coordinator
275-03 John T. Tate Hall
Tina Garofolo
Graduate Program Coordinator
130-03 John T. Tate Hall
Electromechanical Systems Specialist
Research Support
Benjamin Koshy
Program/Project Specialist
275-00 John T. Tate Hall
Yasmely Lopez
Executive Operational Student Service Specialist
130 John T. Tate Hall
 Katrina Marslender
130-20 John T. Tate Hall
Man wearing very cool shades with a Hawaiian shirt
Project Manager
NOvA Far Detector Lab (off-campus)
Woman with glasses
Human Resources
130-07 John T. Tate Hall
Female dark hair sparkle flower necklace
FTPI Coordinator
275-21 John T. Tate Hall
Woman wearing yellow shirt
Manager 2
130-09 John T. Tate Hall
Mike Rother
Principal Laboratory Machinist
Finance Professional 2-FG
130-05 John T. Tate Hall
IT Specialist
347 Physics And Nanotechnology Building
IT Pro 1-App/Software Dev
Research Support