Faculty Awards

National and International Awards

AAAS Award for Public Engagement with Science

James Kakalios (2014)

Alfred P. Sloan Research Fellow

Fiona Burnell (2015)
Daniel Cronin-Hennessy (2006)
Paul Crowell (1999)
Dan Dahlberg (1981)
Allen Goldman (1966)
Martin Greven (1999)
Alex Kamenev (2004)
Ronald Poling (1988)
Vlad Pribiag (2017)
Zhen Liu (2024)

 American Astronomical Society Fellows

              Robert Goetz (2020)
              Len Kuhi (2020)
              Charles Woodward (2020)             
              Roberta Humphreys (2021)

Andrew Gemant Award

James Kakalios (2016)

APS Dwight Nicholson Medal for Outreach

Lucy Fortson (2019)
Dan Dahlberg (2014)

Blaise Pascal Chair

Mikhail Shifman (2008)

Cottrell Scholar

Cynthia Cattell (1997)
Rafael Fernandes (2016)

Dirac Medal and Prize in Theoretical Physics

Mikahil Shifman (2016)
Arkady Vainshtein (2016)

Department of Energy Early Career Research Grant

Rafael Fernandes (2014)

Department of Energy Outstanding Junior Investigator

Yong-Zhong Qian (2000)

Fritz London Memorial Prize- IUPAP

Allen Goldman (2002)

Hannes Alfvén Medal of the European Geosciences Union

Robert Lysak (2014)

Hans A. Bethe Prize

Keith Olive (2018)

Herzberg Medal of the Canadian Association of Physicists, 1985

Serge Rudaz (1985)

Honorary Degree

James Kakalios, University of Lincoln, UK (2017)

Honorary RAS Fellow

Roberta Humphreys (2014)

Humboldt Foundation Sofia Kovalevskaja Award

Marco Peloso (2007)

Humboldt Research Award

Charles Campbell (1981)
Michel Janssen (2016)
Mikhail Shifman (1993)

International Union of Pure and Applied Physics Young Scientist Prize

Vlad Pribiag (2017)
Ke Wang (2020)
Alexander McLeod (2022)

John Bardeen Prize

Andrey Chubukov (2018)

Julius Wess Award from KCETA in Karlsruhe, Germany

Arkady Vainshtein (2014)

Klopsteg Memorial lecture Award, American Association of Physics Teachers

James Kakalios (2020)

Landau Prize of Academy of Sciences of USSR

Boris Shklovskii (1986)

Lilienfeld Prize

Mikhail Shifman (2006)

Millikan Medal, American Association of Physics Teachers

Kenneth Heller (2017)

National Academy of ScienceS

Allen Goldman (2007)
Mikhail Shifman (2018)
Boris Shklovskii (2023)

NSF Faculty Early Career Development (CAREER) Awards

Fiona Burnell (2014)
Cynthia Cattell (1995)
Paul Crowell (1998)
Lindsay Glesener (2018)
Martin Greven (2000)
Vlad Pribiag (2016)
Ke Wang (2020)
Michael Zudov (2006)

NSF Presidential Young Investigator Award

James Kakalios (1990)
Robert Lysak (1985)
Keith A. Olive (1987)
Serge Rudaz (1984-1991)

Oliver E. Buckley Prize in Condensed Matter Physics

Allen Goldman (2015)
Boris Shklovskii (2018)

Pomeranchuk Prize, ITEP, Moscow

Arkady Vainshtein (2005)

Sakurai Prize

Mikhail Shifman (1999)
Arkady Vainshteinn (1999)

Simons Foundation Fellow

Tony Gherghetta (2019)


Professional Society Fellowships

Fellow, American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS)

Priscilla Cushman (2014)
Dan Dahlberg (1995)
Robert Gehrz (1995)
Allen Goldman (1982)
Martin Greven (2015)
Kenneth Heller (2012)
Roberta Humphreys (1980)
Jim Kakalios (2013)
Joseph Kapusta (2003)
Marvin Marshak (2014)
Alan Shapiro (1988)

Fellow, American Association of Physics Teachers (AAPT)

Kenneth Heller (2017)

Fellow, American Geophysical Union (AGU)

Cynthia Cattell (2008)
Paul Kellogg (2004)
Robert Lysak (2011)

Fellow, American Physical Society (APS)

Benjamin Bayman (1984)
Fiona Burnell (2023)
Charles E. Campbell (1991)
Andrey Chhubukov (2004)
Paul Crowell (2008)
Priscilla Cushman (2013)
Dan Dahlberg (1996)
Rafael Fernandes (2017)
Lucy Fortson (2020)
Robert Gehrz (2004)
Tony Gherghetta (2015)
Allen Goldman (1984)
Martin Greven (2007)
J. Woods Halley (1998)
Shaul Hanany (2012)
Kenneth Heller (1996)
Cheng-Cher Huang (1993)
Michel Janssen (2012)
Thomas W. Jones (2013)
James Kakalios (2015)
Alexander Kamenev (2013)
Joseph Kapusta (1992)
Paul Kellogg (1960)
Robert Lysak (2013)
Vuk Mandic (2017)
Marvin Marshak (2004)
Keith A. Olive (2003)
Natalia Perkins (2016)
Ronald Poling (1998)
Maxim Pospelov (2022)
Clement Pryke (2016)
Serge Rudaz (1995)
Roger Rusack (2015)
Mikhail Shifman (1997)
Boris Shklovskii (1994)
Evan Skillman (2018)
Arkady Vainshtein (1997)
Oriol Valls (1998)
Jorge Viñals (2013)
John Wygant (2016)
William Zimmerman, Jr. (1998)
Michael Zudov (2015)

Fellow, Neutron Scattering Society of America (NSSA)

Martin Greven (2018)


University of Minnesota Awards

Charles E. Bowers Faculty Teaching Award

James Kakalios (2003)

CSE Distinguished Professor (formerly IT Distinguished Professorship)

Cynthia Cattell (2020)
E. Dan Dahlberg (1998)
Rafael Fernandes (2023)
Allen M. Goldman (1992)
Kenneth J. Heller (2007)
Roberta Humphreys (2001)
Marvin Marshak
Evan Skillman (2021)

A.S. Fine Chair in Theoretical Physics

Boris Shklovskii (1990)

Ida Cohen Fine Chair in Theoretical Physics

Mikhail Shifman (2005)

William I. and Bianca M. Fine Chair in Theoretical Physics

Andrey Chubukov (2013)

Gloria Becker Lubkin Chair in Theoretical Physics

Keith Olive (2020)
Arkady Vainshtein (1990) (Emeritus)

McKnight Land Grant Professorship

Paul Crowell (1999)
Rafael Fernandes (2015)
Lindsay Glesener (2020)
Shaul Hanany (2001)
Alex Kamenev (2005)
Patrick Kelly (2022)
Yuichi Kubota (1990)
James Kakalios (1989)
Vuk Mandic (2010)
Joachim Mueller (2004)
Vlad Pribiag (2019)                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Michael Coughlin (2024)

Distinguished McKnight University Professorship

Martin Greven (2018)
Vuk Mandic (2019)
Keith Olive (1998)
Claudia Scarlata (2022)                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Rafael Fernandes (2023)

McKnight Presidential Fellow

Paul Crowell (2004)
Rafael Fernandes (2017)
Yong-Zhong Qian (2004)

Horace T. Morse Alumni Association Award for Outstanding Contributions to Undergraduate Education

Shaul Hanany (2020)
Kenneth Heller (1997)
Terry Jones (2008)
Marvin Marshak (1994)
Serge Rudaz (2012)
Lawrence Rudnick (1998)

Horace T. Morse Alumni Association Award for Outstanding Contributions to Postbaccalaureate, Graduate and Professional Education

Dan Dahlberg (2018)
Joseph Kapusta (2020)
Allen Goldman (2012)

Mullen/Spector/Truax Women's Leadership Award

Cynthia Cattell (2015)
Lucy Fortson (2020)
Roberta Humphreys (2008)

Regents Professorship

Allen Goldman (2008)
Edward Ney (1974)
Alfred O.C. Nier (1966)

John T. Tate Awards for Excellence in Undergraduate Advising

Marvin Marshak (1996)

George W. Taylor Distinguished Professor

James Kakalios (2008-present)

George W. Taylor Award for Distinguished Research

Rafael Fernandes (2021)
Kenneth Heller (1988)
Roberta Humphreys (1985)
Lindsay Glesener (2023)
Joseph Kapusta (1984)
Vuk Mandic (2017)
Keith Olive (1988)
Claudia Scarlata (2019)

George W. Taylor Award for Distinguished Service

Charles Campbell (2001)
Cynthia Cattell (2011)
E. Dan Dahlberg (2005)
Lucy Fortson (2020)
Shaul Hanany (2023)
James Kakalios (2018)
Marvin Marshak (1996)
Lawrence Rudnick (2004)
Thomas Walsh (1986)

George W. Taylor Award for Distinguished Teaching

Charles Campbell (2001)
Cynthia Cattell (2011)
Paul Crowell (2018)
E. Dan Dahlberg (2005))
Rafael Fernandes (2017)
Shaul Hanany (2016)
Kenneth Heller (2011)
Michel Janssen (2020)
Robert Lysak (1989)
Marvin Marshak (1996)
Lawrence Rudnick (2004)
Thomas Walsh (1986)

George W. Taylor Career Development Award

Dan Cronin-Hennessy (2010)

Other Awards

APS Outstanding Referee Award

Allen M. Goldman (2008)
Alexander Grosberg (2008)
C. C. Huang (2008)

Bush Fellowship

J. Woods Halley (1983-1984)

Clifford C. Furnas Memorial Award of the University of Buffalo

Ronald Poling (1998)

Fulbright Fellow, Institute for Teoretisk Fysik, Denmark

Paul Kellogg (1954)

J. Robert Oppenheimer Fellow, Theoretical Division, Los Alamos National Laboratory

Yong-Zhong Qian (1998)

Millikan Postdoctoral Fellow, California Institute of Technology

Vuk Mandic (2004)

Miller Fellow, University of California, Berkeley

Oriol Valls (1977)

David W. Morrisroe Fellow, California Institute of Technology

Yong-Zhong Qian (1995)

NSF Postdoctoral Fellow- University of Paris, Orsay

J. Woods Halley (1965)

NRC-NAS Fellow Naval Research Laboratory

Paul Kellogg (1955)