Minnesota Stormwater Seminar Series - Lessons in Resilience from Monitoring Urban Stormwater Transportation Systems


Robert G. Traver, Edward A. Daylor Chair in Civil Engineering & Director Center for Resilient Water Systems, Villanova University

Abstract: The Pennsylvania Department of Transportation (PennDOT) is working on a long-term project to rebuild and improve a major stretch of I-95 through an urbanized section of Philadelphia.  Central to this project is the need to meet Philadelphia’s Green City Clean Water stormwater regulatory requirements for a combined sewer area. To advise the design and maintenance PennDOT has contracted with Villanova and Temple Universities to conduct research on early phases of the project to inform the design of future phases.  Several stormwater management practices (bioswale and bioinfiltration) are being monitored from a hydrologic and geotechnical perspectives.  Stormwater management lessons learned from the research will be presented to include both performance and the challenges of a long-term transportation project.

Start date
Thursday, Sept. 17, 2020, 10 a.m.

Virtual event, click to register

