Lakes, Rivers, and Groundwater
SAFL brings together researchers from a broad range of disciplines that contribute to understanding the surface environment and in particular, the movement of water through landscapes. From the formation of river networks, to how flow, sediment and nutrients move through waterways and lakes, to mapping groundwater and contaminant movement, SAFL brings a diverse array of expertise and knowledge to better understand how watersheds form and evolve.
SAFL Affiliated Faculty
Jacques Finlay
Michele Guala
John Gulliver
Miki Hondzo
Peter Kang
Omid Mohseni
Crystal Ng
Chris Paola
Gary Parker
Fotis Sotiropoulos
Heinz Stefan
Andy Wickert
Judy Yang
SAFL Researchers
William Herb
Matt Hernick
Ben Janke
Jessica Kozarek
Matt Lueker
Jeff Marr
Poornima Natarajan
Read more about SAFL lakes, rivers, and groundwater related projects/research:
(filter "Lakes, Rivers, and Groundwater" if needed)
Harnessing clean energy from rivers through hydrokinetic turbine arrays
Hydrokinetic turbines are an emerging hydropower technology that take advantage of moving water currents to generate power.
SAFL team designs flume to support juvenile fish studies
The United States Geological Survey (USGS) tasked SAFL researchers with the design of a race-track style flume, with the geometry and hydraulic conditions for early life stages of pallid sturgeon, an ancient but endangered fish species which historically inhabited the Missouri and lower Mississippi rivers
Channel belt evolution in braided rivers
Channel belts are wide corridors created by the movement of a river over time, as shown by geologic indicators such as abandoned channels and eroded valley margins. The purpose of this study was to evaluate how channel migration causes individual braided channel belts to grow using SAFL's main channel.