For Practitioners
For Practitioners
SAFL conducts a wide range of applied engineering research that combines the experience and expertise of our faculty, engineers, scientists, and technicians with our specialized facilities. The SAFL Applied Engineering Team performs research and testing in a range of areas, matching our strong foundation in interdisciplinary fluid mechanics with the needs of clients and the scientific community. We regularly work with partners in academia, industry, government, and the private sector.
What can we help you with today?
Learn more about SAFL's applied services group
Our capabilities range from physical modeling, data collection system fabrication, and third party testing. Learn more about our services and capabilities.
Learn more about SAFL's unique facilities
From general purpose flumes, tanks, and channels, to a heavily-instrumented research wind turbine, water tunnel, outdoor experimental channel, and atmospheric boundary layer wind tunnel, SAFL facilities are readily configurable to the needs of an experiment or project.
Learn more about SAFL research
SAFL research generally revolves around three different categories: fundamental fluid flow research, the environment, and energy. Explore these different themes and learn more about specific projects and the researchers that conduct them.
Learn more about SAFL networking/training opportunities
SAFL hosts and works with several practitioner groups to bridge the gap between research and practice. Learn more about our practitioner networks and see upcoming events that may be of interest to you or your group.
Do you or your team need assistance with a project?
SAFL is glad to help! Email [email protected] with a brief description of your need/interest and we will direct your inquiry to the relevant researchers/contact.