Tilting Bed Flume


This unique facility has a pivot that allows the flume to tilt, which enables a wide range of river and stream research, open channel flow studies, erosion protection evaluations, and hydraulic structure investigations. 

Photo of the tilting bed flume
Tilting Bed Flume
Photo of the tilting bed flume with bedforms and a model turbine
Photo of the tilting bed flume during an experimental flood
Photo of the tilting bed flume with a constricted section, showing the data collection carriage above


  • Dimensions: 0.9 m x 0.6 m x 14.6 m (3 ft x 2 ft x 48 ft)
  • Flow rate: up to 0.17 m3/s (6 cfs)
  • Tilt: up to 6º

Measurement Capabilities