Broader Impacts
Supporting Broader Impacts for the scientific drilling and coring community
The CSD Facility personnel conduct outreach activities and develop educational materials and best practices. We also provide consultation and collaboration to help community members develop and execute better outreach and education activities for their own projects and proposals.
Please contact Facility staff to discuss your needs and ideas, and browse this page to learn about past and ongoing projects with CSD Facility involvement.

Public Outreach and Informal Education
The CSD Facility enhances public engagement with the geosciences via activities and talks at public events and museums, through the production of media materials, and by the development of products of interest to citizens outside the geosciences. The CSD Facility also works in partnership to leverage the many activities already conducted by other groups and institutions such as the Bell Museum at the University of Minnesota.

Community-Driven Research
When stakeholders are included in the process of developing research questions, projects benefit in several ways, including improved trust in research results and improved community engagement (Pandya, 2014, Ch. 4, Future Earth). Such community-driven research (CDR) strategies have been employed in medical research for a number of years, and the CSD Facility advocates for increasing their use in the geosciences.
Coring and drilling projects are usually focused on a location or region, and often on its history, providing ample points of intersection to entrain stakeholders in the area as a part of project Broader Impacts. Researchers must endeavor to meet early and often, in person if possible, and to genuinely try to learn what questions local people (local communities, lake associations, resource managers, park rangers, etc.) have about the site that might be included in the planning and budget for the project. Such dialogues can help demonstrate that local communities and governments are more than just the authorities issuing the permits.

Partnership with Non-Academic Institutions
Core-based research and support is a natural fit for collaboration with agencies such as state and state and Tribal resource management and environmental departments, park managers, watershed districts, lake associations, and others.
We work closely with these institutions to design research projects in the field and in the lab, to mine previously collected samples and data, and to develop new knowledge and skills. Because such institutions are often closely linked to the communities around them, we welcome broader community involvement in these discussions and projects.