The Earth & Environmental Sciences are at the center of understanding how our dynamic planet works, from the surface to the core.
Events and Seminars
SRL/JEDI Seminars
February 17
Zixuan Chen, Grad student, Earth & Environmental Sciences, University of Minnesota
Reactive transport modeling of "cryptic" S cycling at a riparian wetland
Tate 401-20
Department Seminar Series
Tate Hall B20, or Virtual via Zoom.
February 20
Dr. Mark Schmitz, Professor, Department of Geosciences, Boise State University
Constraining the tempo and dynamics of Cambrian Earth systems: unlocking clastic sedimentary successions with tandem detrital zircon geochronology and Bayesian age modeling
Recent News

Three CSE faculty named most cited researchers in the world

Grad Student Michael Chiappone Receives NAPC Award

A change in geography to continue research into ancient paleogeographic change

Associate Professor Andrew Wickert named 2024 Marguerite T. Williams Award recipient

Professor Josh Feinberg receives a multitude of honors for excellence
Celebrating 150 years of Geosciences

2022 is a special year! It marks 150 years since the first geoscience course was taught at the University of Minnesota! In 1872, professor Edward H. Twining M.A. taught the first courses in geology and mineralogy. 1872 also marks the establishment of the Minnesota Geological and Natural History Survey by the Minnesota State Government. We are celebrating 150 years of Geosciences with our colleagues at the Bell Museum and the Minnesota Geological Survey who are also decedents of the first Geoscientists of the University of Minnesota.
See how we're celebrating 150 years of Geosciences