Minor in Environmental Geosciences

The Department of Earth Sciences offers two minors
Students interested in declaring a minor should contact the ESCI Director of Undergraduate Studies, to set up an appointment to submit the online declaration form.
Course requirements for the Minor in Environmental Geoscience (18 credits)
Students MUST complete ONE of the following courses with a lab:
- ESci 1001 - Earth and Its Environments
- ESci 1007 - From Microbes to Mammoths: History of Life on Earth
- ESci 1011 - Volcanoes of the Earth
- ESci 2201 - Solid Earth Dynamics (*Earth Sciences majors see footnote)
- ESci 2202 - Earth History
- PSTL 1171 - Physical Geology
Students choose a minimum of 14 credits from the following (3 cr each):
- ESci 1012 - Natural Hazards and Disasters
- ESci 3001 - Earth Materials
- ESci 3002 - Climate Change and Human History
- ESci 3004 - Water and Society
- ESci 3005 - Earth Resources
- ESci 3006 - Planets of the Solar System
With approval from the Director of Undergraduate Studies, appropriate higher level Earth Sciences courses or courses from other departments may be substituted.
Examples include:
- ESci 4631W - Earth Systems: Geosphere/Biosphere Interactions
- ESci 4701 - Geomorphology
- ESci 4702 - General Hydrogeology
- Anth 3041 - Ecological Anthropology
- Econ 3611 - Environmental Economics
- Geog 5441 - Quaternary Landscape Evolution
- Pol 3441 - Politics of Environmental Protection
- Soc 4305 - Environment & Society: An Enduring Conflict
*The following restrictions apply to Earth Sciences Majors wishing to obtain the Environmental Sciences Minor:
- Only one 3xxx level minor course can be used to fulfill the Earth Sciences elective requirement for majors.
- With the exception of ESci 2201, no Earth Sciences courses used to fulfill degree requirements for the major can be used for the minor.