MS Graduate Program
MS Degree options
The department offers three Earth Sciences Masters degrees:
- Plan A - requires thesis and final oral examination
- Plan B - requires a project which may include one to two research papers, coursework, and a final exam (written, oral or both)
- Plan C - coursework only with an emphasis in hydrogeology and environmental geoscience
MS Plans are designated when student submits graduate degree plan; there is no difference when applying for a Masters degree.
All students must complete ESCI 8001 (Introductory Graduate Seminar) in the first year.

Degree Requirements
Plan A Masters
(with thesis and final oral exam) |
Plan B Masters
(project with final exam, either oral or written) |
Plan C Masters
(coursework only; hydrogeology track only) |
MS Degree Completion: |
Can I switch degree plans?
Yes. Consultation with your advisor and the Director of Graduate Studies is required.
Please review steps to make the change on the Graduate School website.
Does the Department offer financial aid?
Yes. Please visit our page for Financing Graduate School which shows departmental support as well as what a student can expect in terms of student fees.
When are applications due?
The application deadline is DECEMBER 15 for admission for the fall semester of the following year. A complete application must be submitted by 11:59pm Central time for consideration. An application is considered complete if it includes everything on the application checklist on our Admissions page.
What if I don't know what I want to study?
It is a requirement for admission that a faculty member agrees to be your advisor. So, before you begin the application process, please review review the research areas and faculty members in the department, then contact the faculty member(s) directly with whom you wish to work.
- Discover our Research
- Earth & Environmental Faculty - all can serve as advisor of MS and PhD
- Members of the ESci Graduate Faculty outside the department (may have limited advising capabilities)