Bedrock outcrop from Pipestone County, Minnesota


The Minnesota Geological Survey at the University of Minnesota – Twin Cities stands firmly against the systemic racism that has long afflicted our society and still causes immeasurable daily harm to Black People, Indigenous Peoples, and People of Color.

Learn more about our DEI Initiative

Who We Are

The Minnesota Geological Survey was established in 1872 by the State of Minnesota and is a research and service arm of the School of Earth and Environmental Sciences at the University of Minnesota.

The MGS collaborates with universities, government agencies, industry, and local communities to study Minnesota's geology, create geological maps, and conduct research.


[email protected]

Office Address: 
2609 W Territorial Rd, St. Paul, MN 55114

Office Hours: 
Public office hours are every Thursday, 8am to 4pm or by appointment only. Business hours are Monday-Friday, 8am to 4pm.

Recent News

Small thumbnails of all of the map plates associated with the Pipestone County Geologic Atlas.

Print-On-Demand Atlases Now Available

The MGS has started a partnership with OceanGrafix to provide print-on-demand County Geologic Atlases. Only the latest CGA, C-59 Pipestone Atlas, is currently available.
Rock hammer (for scale) sitting on a wave-rippled surface of an outcrop of pinkish-red Sioux Quartzite in Pipestone County, Minnesota.

Geologic Atlas of Pipestone County Published

The Geologic Atlas of Pipestone County, Minnesota was recently published by the Minnesota Geological Survey, including map plates, GIS datasets, and an online story map to provide web-based map data.
University of Minnesota's maroon block M logo and text below that reads "Minnesota Geological Survey".

New Director and Minnesota State Geologist

We are delighted to announce the appointment of Dr. Robert (Bob) Tipping as our new MGS Director and State Geologist of Minnesota.

Events and Seminars

Feb 13 Thu 12:10pm

Spring 2025 MGS Seminars

Simon Bøtker-Rasmussen (I-GIS, Denmark)
"GeoScene 3D: Build 3D Models from Data with Ease"