Advisory Board
Judy Andrews, PG
WSP, Inc.
Term: 2022-2024
Sandeep Burman, PhD
Minnesota Department of Health
Term: 2023-2025
Jon Carlson, PG, MS
Braun Intertec
Term: 2023-2025
Tim Cowdery, MS
U.S. Geological Survey
Term: 2023-2025
Megan Kelly, PhD
Minnesota Department of Natural Resources
Term: 2022-2024
Michelle LaGarde, MS
Braun Intertec
Term: 2022-2024
Denise Levitan, PhD, PG
Barr Engineering
Term: 2023-2025
Chuck Mosher, PhD
ConocoPhillips (retired)
Term: 2023-2025
Shanna Schmitt, PG, CPG
Minnesota Pollution Control Agency
Term: 2023-2025
Hong Spores, MBA
HDR, Inc.
Term: 2022-2024
Jon Tortomasi, BS
Advisory Board Chair
Term: 2022-2024
Laura Triplett, PhD
Gustavus Adolphus College
Term: 2023-2025
Kathryn Vall, MS
Mineralogic LLC
Term: 2023-2025