Research Facilities
Following are research facilities in or related to the department.
Please send inquiries directly to the facility's contact for more details, including what services may or may not be available to other users.
Analytical Aqueous Geochemistry Lab
- Contact: William E. Seyfried, Jr.
- Location: John T. Tate Hall, room 440-04
- Facility available to
--UMN customers? - No
--non-UMN customers? - No - Service available to
--UMN customers?- No - --non-UMN customers?- No
- Facility available to
CSE Characterization Facility - a CSE Facility
- Contact: [email protected]
- 100 Union Street SE, Shepherd Labs
- Facility available to
--UMN customers? - Yes
--non-UMN customers? - Yes - Service available to
--UMN customers?- Yes - --non-UMN customers?- Yes
- Facility available to
- Contact: Anders Noren
- Location: 116 Church Street SE, John T. Tate Hall room 175
- Facility available to
--UMN customers? - Yes
--non-UMN customers? - Yes - Service available to
--UMN customers?- Yes - --non-UMN customers?- Yes
- Facility available to
Electron Microprobe Laboratory
- Contact: Patricia Kang
- Location: John T. Tate Hall, room S104, S100
- Facility available to
--UMN customers? - Yes
--non-UMN customers? - Yes - Service available to
--UMN customers?- Yes - --non-UMN customers?- Yes
- Facility available to
- Contact: Maxwell Brown, Facility Manager
- Location: John T. Tate Hall, room 240
- Facility available to
--UMN customers? - Yes
--non-UMN customers? - Yes - Service available to
--UMN customers?- No - --non-UMN customers?- Yes
- Facility available to
- Contact: Xinyuan Zheng
- Location: John T. Tate Hall
- Facility available to
--UMN customers? - Yes
--non-UMN customers? - Yes - Service available to
--UMN customers?- No - --non-UMN customers?- Yes
- Facility available to
Large Lakes Observatory, UM-Duluth
- Contact: [email protected] for more information
- Location: Duluth, MN
- Contacts: Christian Teyssier (New user training and access), Mark Griffith (Machine Shop and general facilities inquiries or issues)
- Location: John T. Tate Hall, room S50
- Facility available to
--UMN customers? - Yes
--non-UMN customers? - Yes (with permission) - Service available to
--UMN customers?- No - --non-UMN customers?- No
- Facility available to
Minnesota Supercomputing Institute - University Facility
- Contact: [email protected]
- Location: Walter Library, Twin Cities Campus
Paleoenvironmental/Marine Palynology Laboratory
- Contact: Vera Pospelova
- Location: John T. Tate Hall, room S79 (1&2)
- Facility available to
--UMN customers? - No
--non-UMN customers? - No - Service available to
--UMN customers?- No - --non-UMN customers?- No
- Facility available to
- Contact: Joel Barker
- Location: John T. Tate Hall, room S79-06
- Facility available to
--UMN customers? - Yes
--non-UMN customers? - Yes - Service available to
--UMN customers?- No - --non-UMN customers?- No
- Facility available to
- Contacts: Jonathan Pundsack and/or Claire Porter
- Location: R280 Learning & Environmental Sciences, 1954 Buford Ave, St. Paul, MN 55108
- Facility available to
--UMN customers? - Yes
--non-UMN customers? - Yes - Service available to
--UMN customers?- No - --non-UMN customers?- No
- Facility available to
St. Anthony Falls Laboratory - a CSE Facility
- Contact: [email protected]
- Location: 2 3rd Ave SE, Minneapolis
- Services and Facilities
Surface Processes Instrumentation Laboratory
- Contact: Andrew Wickert, PI
- Location: John T. Tate Hall, room 125
- Facilities/equipment list: soldering stations, Pick-and-place, Reflow oven, CNC mill, 3D printer, basic fabrication tools, Geochronology (OSL and 14C) basic sample prep, Linux workstations
- Facility available to
--UMN customers? - Yes
--non-UMN customers? - Yes - Service available to
--UMN customers?- No - --non-UMN customers?- No
- Facility available to
X-ray Computed Tomography (XRCT) Lab
- Contact: [email protected] (for general inquiry); PIs (for approval of use)
- PIs: Peter Makovicky; Donna Whitney; Christian Teyssier; Kieran McNulty; David Fox; Sushma Reddy; Sharon Jansa; F. Keith Barker; Peter K. Kang
- Location: John T. Tate Hall
- Facilities/equipment list: NorthStar Imaging Inc. (NSI) X5000 high-resolution micro-CT system with a twin head 225 kV x-ray source, Dexela area detector; CT and Vortex scanning; NSI reconstruction software
- Facility available to
--UMN customers? - Yes, upon approval*
--non-UMN customers? - No
- Facility available to
*If a UMN student or researcher would like to utilize the lab they MUST contact the lab PIs who share similar research interests.