Fluid Characterization
Fluid-phase sampling and geochemical characterization
As an element of integrated support for core-based research, the CSD Facility maintains resources for sampling and field analysis of borehole production gases, collection of core pore water, and field characterization of ambient water bodies.

Drilling Mud Gas Analysis
Gas Analyzer Gas Chromatograph
The Facility’s SRI Instruments Natural Gas Analyzer is a robust, field-capable gas chromatography system for rapidly analyzing presence and concentrations of various formation gases returned in drilling fluids. These data support on-site formation identification and characterization as well as operational safety for drilling projects.
Hydrogen Generator
Efficient and safe deployment of the GC system to remote settings benefits from a local source of H2 carrier gas. The Facility’s SRI Instruments H2-100 hydrogen generator supplies clean carrier-gas H2 from electrolysis of distilled water.
Pore Water Sampling
Rhizon Sampler
Nondestructive pore-water sampling of cores is supported by Rhizon samplers and fittings suitable for sampling plastic-lined cores at selected depths. This technique is most effective for unconsolidated sediments with relatively high water content and low sample-volume requirements.

Squeeze Sampler
Pore-water sampling of less permeable sediment, or sediment with lower water content, is likely to require destructive sampling of sections of core using a hydraulic pore-water squeezer such as those from Geotek or ASC Scientific. The Facility can help researchers select the design and manufacturer best suited to their project goals.
Ambient Water-Column Characterization and Sampling
Physiochemical Water Profiling
For in situ water-column measurements of pH, specific conductance, temperature, and dissolved oxygen, the Facility maintains for rental a Hydrolab Quanta instrument with 50m depth capability. Rentals are accompanied by all the necessary buffers and standards for field calibration of the instrument.

Water Column Sampling
For water sample recovery at discrete depths in the water column, the Facility offers standard Van Dorn samplers in vertical and horizontal orientations.

Filtration and Preservation
The Facility can support sample filtration and preservation needs of the user community (appropriate filters, filter holders, and sample containers) through third-party vendors.