
The CSD Facility curates a collection of software for core analysis.

Logos for CSD facility software


Corelyzer is an application for core image and data visualization that enables fast and reliable inspection of core lithologies and associated data at any location and scale, minimizing the need for repeated core handling, while improving and facilitating interpretation.


PSICAT is an application for core lithologic description that is built to fit the workflow of section-by-section core description. It contains FGDC standards-based controlled vocabularies and patterns for lithologies and features and is customizable if additional or modified lithologies/features/patterns are needed.


Feldman is a simple application for generating splices/composite profiles from multiple cores collected at a site. Feldman offers the most important compositing and splicing functions of Correlator, with identical outputs — but with a workflow that leverages core lithologic variability, especially common in continental drill cores, and the high accuracy of visual correlation approaches in this context.

Tool for Microscopic Identification (TMI) 

Tool for Microscopic Identification, or TMI, is an online tagged database of sedimentary components in petrographic and reflected light microscope view with tutorials on identification and interpretation.


Correlator is an application for core stratigraphic correlation, compositing, and splicing whose outputs are a community standard means for describing alignment of cores from adjacent boreholes and core composite profiles (splices). 

Individual Tools 

In addition to our larger software applications, we maintain a collection of smaller scripts and tools developed to automate certain CSD Facility workflows.