PSICAT is a free, open source application for core lithologic description. It is available for macOS and Windows.
PSICAT has a number of key features that make it particularly useful for the drilling/coring scientific community:
- Built to fit the workflow of core description — section-by-section in the lab
- FGDC standards-based controlled vocabularies and patterns for lithologies and features by default
- Customizable if additional or modified lithologies/features/patterns are needed, for improved characterization of specific lithologies, or support for additional disciplines
- Back-end database references descriptive comments and features to core depth, for consistent ingest to data systems and direct comparison with analytical data tied to core depth
- Utilizes core metadata to automate assembly of complete stratigraphic columns from descriptions of individual sections of core
- Exports PDFs of core descriptions
- Exports descriptions in spreadsheet format, tied to section depth, for direct comparison with other core datasets, optimized searching, and import to databases
- Exports spliced (composite) stratigraphic columns from multiple cored holes
- Real-time and batch-process error checking, to ensure data quality
PSICAT was developed by and for the drilling/coring scientific community. Primary development by J.Reed for ANDRILL. Now supported by the CSD Facility and used in every project at the Facility and increasingly by the scientific community in their home institutions.
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