Honors and Awards
2016 IEEE Twin Cities Outstanding Member
2015 Outstanding Student Group Advisor
2014 Horace T. Morse – University of Minnesota Alumni Association Award for Outstanding Contributions to Undergraduate Education
2014 Academy of Distinguished Teachers
2013 Award for Global Engagement; University of Minnesota
2013 Distinguished Global Professor
2008 Senator Amy Klobuchar’s Carbon Buster Award
2004 Most Inspirational Professor Award, Eta Kappa Nu
2002 Recognized by the University of Minnesota Board of Regents for contributions to Community-University Partnerships. Noted for activity with communities throughout Minnesota on issues related to sources of renewable energy and hydroelectric power
Ten times awarded “Best Professor Award” from IT/CSE Student Board
Innovative Engineers student group listed on the Sustainia 100 list of the top 100 sustainable solutions world-wide. Recipients from 56 countries
Selected Publications
J. Ling, P. Imbertson, T. Moore, K. Gorman, “Adapting a Concept of Framing to Understand How Students Learn in Problem-Centered Group Learning in Flipped Engineering Classrooms”, Frontiers in Education 2015
J. Ling, P. Imbertson, T. Moore, “Introducing an Instructional Model in Undergraduate Electric Power Energy Systems Curriculum-Part (II): Authoritative vs. Dialogic Discourse in Problem-Centered Learning”, ASEE 2014
J. Ling, P. Imbertson, T. Moore, “Introducing an Instructional Model in Undergraduate Electric Power Energy Systems Curriculum-Part (I): Authoritative vs. Dialogic Discourse in Problem-Centered Learning”, ASEE 2013
Jia-Ling Lin, Paul Imbertson, and Tamara Moore, “Applying design-based research to investigate instructional strategies for problem-centered learning in undergraduate electric energy systems curriculum”, TRUES Conference, 2012
P. Imbertson, A. Sonnenburg, and M. Masoud “Connecting the Dots Between Engineering, Developing Nations, and Inner-City Youth with Sustainable Energy”, ASEE 2010
P. Imbertson, “Local/Community Aspects of Generation,” Minnesota Power Systems Conference (MIPSYCON), 2002
P. Imbertson, and N. Mohan, “New Directions in DC-DC Power Conversion Based on Idealized Concepts Leading Ultimately to the Asymmetrical Duty-Cycle Power Converter,” IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems, 1997
P. Imbertson and N. Mohan, “Asymmetrical Duty Cycle Permits Zero Loss Switching in PWM Circuits With No Conduction Loss Penalty,” IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications (IEEE/IAS), Jan/Feb 1993
P. Imbertson and N. Mohan, “Square-wave Resonant Power Converter,” International Power Electronics Conference (IPEC), Tokyo, Japan, 1990