Honors and Awards
Edgar F. Johnson Professor of Electronic Communications
2019 L.K. Maheshwari Distinguished Alumnus Award, BITS Pilani, Rajasthan
2018 Best paper award, IEEE European Solid-Circuits Circuits Conference
2015 March, Keynote speaker, IEEE Japan-Egypt Conference on Electronics, Communication and Computers, Fukuoka Japan,
2014 December, Keynote speaker, IEEE Global Conference on Signal and Information Processing, Atlanta GA
2013 October, Keynote speaker, IEEE International Conference on ASIC, 2013, Shenzhen China
2013 August, Keynote speaker, IEEE Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems, Columbus Ohio
2010 December, Keynote speaker, IEEE Asia Pacific Conference on Circuits and Systems, Kuala Lumpur
2006 IEEE Fellow for contributions to the design and computer aided design (CAD) of analog and radio frequency circuits
Selected Publications
A 0.4-1.0GHz, 47MHops/S Frequency Hopped TXR Front-End With 20dB In-Band Blocker Rejection, Naser Mousavi, Zhiheng Wang and Ramesh Harjani, (invited paper) IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits, July 2019
A 4GHz Instantaneous Bandwidth Low Squint Phased Array using Sub-Harmonic ILO Based Channelization, Qingrui Meng and Ramesh Harjani, IEEE European Solid-State Circuits, Sept 2018
A Multi-Mode DC-DC Converter for Direct Battery-to-Silicon High Tension Power Delivery in 65nm CMOS, Saurabh Chaubey and Ramesh Harjani, IEEE Custom Integrated Circuits Conference, Austin, April 2019
A 2.4GHz, Sub-1V, 2.8dB NF, 475uW Dual-Path Noise and Nonlinearity Cancelling LNA for IoT & WBAN, Mustafijur Rahman and Ramesh Harjani, IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits, May 2018