Honors and Awards
2022 Optica (formerly OSA) Fellow for outstanding contributions to the development of fabrication techniques for nanophotonics, of nanophotonic biosensors, and of ultrastrong light-matter interactions
2016 Sanford P. Bordeau Chair in Electrical Engineering
2011 DARPA Young Faculty Award
2011 Office of Naval Research (ONR) Young Investigator Award
2011 NSF CAREER Award
2009 American Chemical Society Petroleum Research Fund Doctoral New Investigator Award
2008 3M Faculty Award
Selected Publications
Daehan Yoo, Ngoc-Cuong Nguyen, Luis Martin-Moreno, Daniel A. Mohr, Sol Carretero-Palacios, Jonah Shaver, Jaime Peraire, Thomas W. Ebbesen, and Sang-Hyun Oh
High-Throughput Fabrication of Resonant Metamaterials with Ultra-Small Coaxial Apertures via Atomic Layer Lithography
Nano Letters (2016) 16, 2040-2046.
Xiaoshu Chen, Cristian Ciracì, David R. Smith, and Sang-Hyun Oh
Nanogap-enhanced Infrared Spectroscopy with Template-stripped Wafer-scale Arrays of Buried Plasmonic Cavities
Nano Letters (2015) 15, 107-113.
Avijit Barik, Lauren M. Otto, DaeHan Yoo, Jincy Jose, Timothy W. Johnson, and Sang-Hyun Oh
Dielectrophoresis-enhanced plasmonic sensing with gold nanohole arrays
Nano Letters (2014) 14, 2006-2012.
Xiaoshu Chen, Hyeong-Ryeol Park, Matthew Pelton, Xianji Piao, Nathan C. Lindquist, Hyunsoon Im, Yun Jung Kim, Jae Sung Ahn, Kwang Jun Ahn, Namkyoo Park, Dai-Sik, Kim, and Sang-Hyun Oh, “Atomic layer lithography of wafer-scale nanogap arrays for extreme confinement of electromagnetic waves” Nature Communications (2013) 4, 2361
Timothy W. Johnson, Zachary J. Lapin, Ryan Beams, Nathan C. Lindquist, Sergio G. Rodrigo, Lukas Novotny, and Sang-Hyun Oh “Highly reproducible near-field optical imaging with sub-20-nm resolution based on template-stripped gold pyramids,” ACS Nano (2012) 6, 9168-9174
Prashant Nagpal, Nathan C. Lindquist, Sang-Hyun Oh, David J. Norris Ultrasmooth Patterned Metals for Plasmonics and Metameterials Science 325, 594-597 (2009)
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