2017 Alvin G. Anderson Award

This past Tuesday, February 28th, SAFL was pleased to award the Alvin G. Anderson award to two SAFL PhD Candidates: Anne Alhvers Wilkinson and Abigail Tomasek, both from the Department of Civil, Environmental, and Geo-Engineering at the University of Minnesota. The Alvin G. Anderson Award is awarded annually to University of Minnesota students pursuing graduate studies in water resources. Special consideration is given to students involved in the sediment transportation field, which was Dr. Anderson's specialty when a professor at the University of Minnesota from 1950 until 1975.

Anne and Abby were each awarded $500 to buy books related to their fields of interest and a certificate. Anne is advised by SAFL Professors Miki Hondzo and Michele Guala, and Abigail is advised by Professor Miki Hondzo.

Anne and Abby

The award presentation was followed by a Distinguished Lecture given by Dr. Chris Rehmann, Associate Professor of Civil, Construction, and Environmental Engineering at Iowa State University

Read more about Dr. Rehmann's presentation.

See a list of Anderson Award Recipients.
