Amirreza Ghasemi selected as 2019-2020 Alvin Anderson award recipient

This past Tuesday, February 4th, SAFL was pleased to award the 2019-2020 Alvin G. Anderson award to Amirreza Ghasemi, a PhD Student in the Department of Civil, Environmental, and Geo- Engineering. The Alvin G. Anderson Award is awarded annually to University of Minnesota students pursuing graduate studies in water resources. Special consideration is given to students involved in the sediment transportation field, which was Dr. Anderson's specialty when a professor at the University of Minnesota from 1950 until 1975.

Amirreza was awarded $500 to buy books related to his field of interest and a certificate. He is advised by SAFL professor Kimberly Hill, who is an Associate Professor in the Department of Civil, Environmental, and Geo- Engineering. His research, titled, "A Study of Particle Entrainment in Two Common Particle-Fluid Flows in Nature: Bedload Transport in Rivers and Debris Flows in Upland Regions" aims to provide a better understanding of the exchange of particles between flows and the erodible bed they are flowing on, through computational simulations and experimental studies.

SAFL was pleased to host several members of Anderson's extended family for the event. 

The award presentation was followed by a Distinguished Lecture given by Dr. Sally Benson, 

Read more about Dr. Benson's presentation.

See a list of Anderson Award Recipients.
