Filip Schuurman awarded 2015 Lorenz G. Straub award

Filip Schuurman, a consultant with the international company Royal HaskoningDHV, was awarded the Lorenz G. Straub Award during a special SAFL seminar on October 24, 2017 for his 2015 PhD dissertation, "Bar and Channel Evolution in Meandering and Braiding Rivers using Physics-based Modeling" completed at the Universiteit Utrecht, The Netherlands. It was also an honor to host several members of Dr. Straub's extended family for the occasion. 

The Lorenz G. Straub Award is awarded annually for the most meritorious thesis in hydraulic engineering, ecohydraulics, or a related field. Applicants are internationally entered and nominations may be made by any recognized civil and environmental engineering program in the world. 

Schuurman was awarded the Straub Award medalion, a monetary award, and a place for his name and photo to stay alongside almost 50 years of other distinguished Straub Award winners. 

The award ceremony was followed with a presentation by keynote speaker Dr. Gary Parker, a professor in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering and Department of Geology at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign . His presentation was on " The Role of Salt in the Subaqueous Construction of Continental Margins."

Read more about Dr. Parker's presentation.

See a list of Straub Award Recipients.
