SAFL Lab Insider Stories

Celebrating the accomplishments of those in the SAFL community

Lab Insider

Eolos Wind Energy Research Consortium is featured in the UMNews.


Eolos Wind Energy Research Consortium is featured in the UMNews.

Lab Insider

Trung Le PhD Defense: A Computational Framework for Simulating Cardiovascular Flows in Patient-Specific Anatomies


The goal of the thesis is to develop a computational framework for simulating cardiovascular flows in patient-specific anatomies. The numerical method  is based on the curvilinear immersed method approach and is able to simulate pulsatile flow in complex anatomical geometries, incorporates a novel, lumped-parameter kinematic model of the left ventricle wall driven by electrical excitation, and can carry out fluid-structure interaction simulations between the blood flow and implanted bi-leaflet mechanical heart valves (BMHV).

Lab Insider

Eolos Turbine Featured in the Minneapolis StarTribune.


Eolos Turbine Featured in the Minneapolis StarTribune.

Lab Insider

Eolos wind turbine featured on MPR.


Eolos wind turbine featured on MPR.

Lab Insider

Join us at the EOLOS commissioning ceremony - Oct 25, 2011


A public commissioning ceremony will be held at the University of Minnesota's UMore Park property for the new Eolos Wind Research Station. Following the commissioning of the research station, guests will be invited to take a self-guided walking tour of the facilities, including the new 420 ft tall wind turbine, and meet University and industry research partners. A range of exhibits on University research, UMore Park initiatives, local community and technical college opportunities in renewable energy careers, state-of-the art research technology, and plans for a sustainable community on the UMore Park will be on display.

Lab Insider

Ben Erickson talks about how St. Anthony Falls Lab will be renovated.


Ben Erickson talks about how St. Anthony Falls Lab will be renovated.

Lab Insider

Joel Morgan MS Defense, Thursday, Oct. 6, 2:30 P.M.


Joel Morgan MS Defense, Thursday, Oct. 6, 2:30 P.M.

Lab Insider

NSF Workshop Marine Hydrokinetic Energy and the Environment Oct 6-7, 2011.


The objective of this workshop is to bring together a group of experts to: (1) lay down the major research challenges and opportunities at the interface of marine/hydrokinetic energy and the environment, and (2) to create synergies among principal investigators towards forming multi-disciplinary research groups that can better undertake end-to-end research in energy and the environment.

In the News, Lab Insider

SAFL graduate student Adam Witt talks about TextRA to help locate water.


SAFL graduate student Adam Witt talks about TextRA to help locate water.

Lab Insider

SAFL receives $1.2M DOE grant to advance offshore wind farm design


Civil Engineering professors Fotis Sotiropoulos and Michele Guala have received $1.2M over three-years from the Department of Energy to develop state-of-the-art multi-scale computational models to help the industry design and optimize offshore floating wind turbines and farms.