Dr. Nathan Mara joined the CEMS faculty in 2017, and came to CEMS after 12 years at
the Center for Integrated Nanotechnologies (CINT) at Los Alamos National Laboratory
(LANL). There, he was a co-director of the Institute for Materials Science at LANL, and
Thrust Leader for the Nanoscale Electronics and Mechanics thrust at CINT. His
research focuses on the relationship between microstructure and mechanical behavior
at the nanoscale, with an emphasis on structural applications in extreme environments
such as high temperature, stresses, strain rates, and radiation environments. Dr. Mara
is the past chairman (chair 2013-2015) of the Nanomechanical Materials Behavior
Committee of TMS, and has published ~180 peer-reviewed journal articles spanning
topics from synthesis of bulk nanocomposites to performance of advanced materials
under extreme conditions and has been cited ~5848 times since 2019 (Google Scholar).
He received the TMS Young Leader’s Professional Development Award in 2012, the
LANL Distinguished Mentor Performance Award in 2010 for his dedication to
undergraduate and graduate student education at LANL, and the 2017 International
Journal of Plasticity Young Investigator Award for his contributions to modeling plastic
deformation and mechanisms of metals and nanocomposites. He a 2023 TMS
Brimacombe Medalist, and is Chair of the Minnesota state chapter of ASM International.
Mara Research Group
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