CEMS graduate students honored with Outstanding Teaching Assistant (TA Awards)

CEMS is proud to honor these graduate students (listed below) for their accomplishments as outstanding teaching assistants (TA) in academic year 2022-2023. Nominated by their course instructor and selected by the CEMS Directors of Graduate Studies, these honorees were recognized at a recent department ceremony.

Fall 2022: Victoria Jones was nominated by Professor Alon McCormick for CHEN 4601W Process Control. Daniel Krajovic was nominated by Regents Professor Timothy Lodge for his contributions in two courses, CHEN 8102 Polymer Rheology and MATS 8103 Scattering from Soft Matter. Professor Qi Zhang nominated Yen-An Lu for CHEN/MATS 5801 Optimization in Chemical Energy Systems Engineering. Ninad Mhatre was nominated by Professor Prodromos Daoutidis for his contributions to CHEN 8201/MATS 8201 Applied Math. Professor Satish Kumar nominated Gregorius Pradipta for CHEN 3005 Transport Phenomena: Momentum and Heat.

Spring 2023: Annie Moorhead and Jonathan Nguyen were nominated by Professor Lorraine Francis for MATS 4400 Senior Design Project. Regents Professor Frank Bates nominated Yi-Ting Cheng, Zach Gdowski, and Matt Larson for CHEN/MATS 4214 Polymers. Kristine Loh was nominated by Professor Aditya Bhan and received her award for CHEN 3401W Junior Chemical Engineering Lab. Zach Schmitz was nominated by Professor Ben Hackel and received his award for CHEN 3701 Introduction to Biomolecular Engineering. Professor Chris Bartel nominated Hsiao-Feng Liu for CHEN/MATS 5802 Machine Learning for Chemical Sciences and Engineering. Chris Larsson was nominated by Professor Satish Kumar for his efforts in CHEN 8101 Fluid Mechanics. Sreejith Nair's efforts in the lecture and lab sections of MATS 2001/2002 Intro to the Science of Engineering Materials garnered nominations from Professors Bharat Jalan. Allison Harpel was nominated by Professor Chris Leighton for MATS 8003 Electronic Properties.

Congratulations to all of these graduate student TA's for their outstanding service and commitment to teaching!
