Undergraduate Student Experiences

Students walking on campus between classes

CEMS Ambassadors

The CEMS Ambassadors are a group of undergraduate students admitted to the majors who serve as representatives of the Department of Chemical Engineering & Materials Science. This can include: 

  • Recruiting events (such as major exploration fairs)
  • Serving as panelists at information sessions
  • Meeting with prospective students

These students also help with community building within the Department. 

Students are recruited for this program in the summer and can serve in the role for two years. These students receive a modest stipend for the integral role they play in the Department. 

Student Organizations

The American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE) and Materials Advantage have student chapters on campus. Prof. Azarin is the faculty advisor for AIChE and Prof. Poerschke is the faculty adviser for Materials Advantage.

AIChE is the primary professional organization for chemical engineers, while Materials Advantage is the primary professional organization for materials science engineers. 

The student chapters sponsor informational, educational, and social meetings, which include visits from corporate representatives and recruiters.

Undergraduate Research

The Department of Chemical Engineering & Materials Science supports students participating in undergraduate research, as it is a unique and rewarding opportunity. Research is a collaborative effort between you and the research group. 

Why should you participate in research? 

  • Assisting in the advancement of science and engineering - and participating in the scientific process. 
  • Directly apply what you learn in the classroom
  • Develop relationships with CEMS faculty, graduate students, and postdoctoral associates

Related Links:   

CSE Career Services

CSE Career Services coordinates two career and internship fairs during the academic year - one in the fall semester and one in the spring semester. Internship and/or research experiences offer excellent opportunities to gain experience without interfering with your studies. Positions are posted on Handshake, as well as through the Weekly Round-up for students admitted to their major. 

Additionally, CSE Career Services provides information on co-op opportunities for undergraduate students. The Department supports and encourages these opportunities for students to gain valuable industry experience. Plan to work with the Department Academic Advisor to discuss the timing for these experiences.

Study Abroad

Learning abroad provides unique opportunities for studying in a different country. Students are encouraged to work with either the CSE International Programs or the University of Minnesota Learning Abroad Office.

Undergraduate Lounge

Undergraduate students admitted to the chemical engineering or materials science and engineering majors have access to the H. Ted Davis Undergraduate Lounge (first floor of Amundson Hall). Please note: admission to the major is typically in the spring semester of sophomore year; access is not granted for pre-major students.

Three students stand behind two 3D printers. They hold up recently printed UMN Ms.