Hanchu Wang, Prodromos Daoutidis, and Qi Zhang awarded the Hutchison Medal by the Institution of Chemical Engineers

CEMS graduate research assistant Hanchu Wang, Professor Prodromos Daoutidis and Assistant Professor Qi Zhang were awarded the 2024 Hutchison Medal by the Institution of Chemical Engineers (IChemE) for their research paper “Ammonia-Based Green Corridors for Sustainable Maritime Transportation,” published in the journal Digital Chemical Engineering.  The Hutchison Medal recognizes an author for a significant contribution to the literature that has stimulated meaningful debate within the chemical engineering community. The medal is named in memory of a past president of IChemE, William Kenneth Hutchison, who used his research chemist background to ensure that the latest advances in research found practical application in the gas light and hydrogen industry where he made his career.

Congratulations Hanchu, Prodromos, and Qi!

