Undergraduate student resources

This page contains links to many of the major resources you’ll need as a data science undergraduate student at the University of Minnesota.

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  • Courses - View the required coursework for data science majors
  • Four-year plans - Includes all required courses and the recommended order in which they should be taken. While graduation is not guaranteed in four years, the plans offer a way to stay on track toward reaching that goal.
  • Schedule Builder - Use it to create customized class schedules that take into account desired courses, personal preferences, and a target number of credits


  • Student groups - Get involved for networking, social events, and the opportunity to be a student leader
  • Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program (UROP) - UROP offers stipends to full-time undergraduates for research or creative projects under the guidance of a faculty member
  • Undergraduate TA application and information - Handbook for applicants, new TAs, and returning TAs
  • Study abroad - Studying abroad is very possible in data science without having to delay your graduation
  • ICPC Annual Regional Competition - The ACM International Collegiate Programming Contest (ICPC) is an annual multi-tiered competitive programming competition among the universities of the world. The contest is sponsored by IBM. The University of Minnesota is one of the host sites for the regional competition every November.

More resources

  • Student Counseling Services - Student Counseling Services provides individual and group counseling, classes, workshops, and presentations to the university community
  • CSE Career Services - CSE students' career center providing services including major exploration, resume critiques, practice interviews, workshops and courses, career fairs, and other networking events
  • Handshake Job & Internship Website - An online database filled with local, national and international jobs, internships and volunteer positions available to all U of M students and alumni
  • SMART Learning Commons - Offers individual and group tutoring for many university courses including computer science courses as well as other academic and media resources
  • Scholarships - Departmental scholarships available to current students majoring in computer science and data science
  • Keller Hall map and building hours - check for the latest hours and building access information


Goldy Gopher on a gold background

Undergraduate Advising Team