Energy Systems, and Power Electronics
Power systems and power electronics undergird almost every aspect of modern life. However it is critical to minimize the impact of our electricity consumption on the environment, which entails that we harness energy from renewable sources, and conserve it. Our nationally and internationally renowned faculty conduct research on power electronics, electromechanics, photovoltaic devices, energy harvesting, smart grids, and renewable energy systems. ECE faculty collaborate with other institutions, private companies, and federal agencies to conduct research, explore new applications, and to attract outstanding students to the field. Even as they conduct critical cutting edge research, the Energy Systems and Power Electronics group places a very high degree of importance on power education by developing new graduate and undergraduate courses and disseminating them through CUSP.

Affiliate Faculty

Russell Holmes
Associate Professor
Dept. of Chemical Engineering and Materials Science
151 Amundson Hall
[email protected]
Research Site