Our group focuses on the growth of thin films and heterostructures of quantum materials using one-atom-at-a-time. We employ novel hybrid molecular beam epitaxy (MBE) method to do this. Our interests are in the various areas of materials science, materials chemistry & physics: the synthesis of quantum materials with atomic layer control over thickness and composition to understand, and control the interplay between lattice, charge and spin degree of freedom and their coupling to the functionality such as transport, magnetism, superconductivity, strongly-correlated Mott-Hubbard-type insulator characteristics and structural and electronic phase transition. The central theme in our group is to synthesize "built-to-order" structures with the improved structure and electronic quality as needed for fundamental science and applications in electronic devices. Current focus is on the perovskite-based quantum materials and their heterostructures (specifically, titanates and stannates) with particular emphasis on their synthesis with excellent control over stoichiometry, dimensionality and strain. The work in our group is highly collaborative and utilizes a range of structural and electrical characterization techniques available both at the University of Minnesota and in the national laboratory network in addition to through collaboration with experts around the world.
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