Data Science MS Capstone Advisor Selection Guide
The Data Science MS program is a Plan B only degree which has a capstone project component required for all students. Students must register for the capstone course DSCI 8760 as a part of degree requirements. Projects can be completed in one or two semesters (3-6 credits of DSCI 8760) depending on the nature of the project and faculty expectations. It’s common for students to work on their capstone in the second half of their time in the program, but it’s never too early to make connections with faculty to learn about their research and explore possible project topics. We encourage you to explore faculty and their research labs both in the Data Science program as well as other departments.
Capstone projects can be tied to a faculty member’s research lab or a unique idea developed by the student themself. The Data Science program cannot keep tabs on which faculty are open to either or both options, so it will be important for you to ask faculty what they are open to when approaching them about possibly serving as your capstone advisor.
Once you have confirmation from a faculty member they will serve as your advisor and you are ready to enroll in the Data Science capstone course (DSCI 8760) you will need to request a permission number through this form.
Request a permission number
Below are requirements and things to keep in mind as you consider capstone project ideas and who to connect with to discuss serving as your capstone advisor.